In the process of purchasing a Grady 272, and curious of any folks in New England who use it for giant/Rec medium fishing or if it’s even possible or plausible. My last boat was a 23’ CC with a bracket and was easy to fish from but had no family amenities. this boat I am going to be using a lot for family time, inshore fishing and haddock fishing and overnighting (my GF and myself no kids for now), but also want to fish it the few days a year I’m free. When talking to an experienced boater/giant fisherman he advised against fishing it due to the rear seating and not great spots for putting rods etc especially with the euro transom (but agreed the boat itself is great). Anyone do it and do it safely? If so any tips for setting up the cockpit to fight a giant or a northern New England medium rec fish from the 272? Any thoughts on if it’s worth it (all gears already accumulated it’s a matter of setting up the boat), or is the boat more of a striper/haddock/weekender boat (which is also fine just looking to see if it’s reasonable to really fish one a few times a year safely).