Modern 228 helm seats?


GreatGrady Captain
Jun 5, 2020
Reaction score
Santa Cruz Mountains, CA
Who makes those? I like mine but I'd prefer a version where the arms tip up, I want to sit sideways in them with my feet up on the other one.
Don’t yours swivel?
Yeah but not the way you want, they don't swivel to face each other, they swivel away from each other. It's a tight helm. The swivel is only so you can sit in them facing backwards or forwards. I want to sit in both, the only way to do that is have arms that swing up.
Lucky, have you tried sliding the chair forward and/or back at the same time you're swiveling it to help clear obstacles? That's often needed in boats with tight quarters.
My passenger seat does not slide, only swivel, so it will not face the helm seat. My helm seat will turn 360° by sliding, as Dennis said. I’m not sure how comfortable it would be sitting sideways in the chair.
You could take the inside armrests off, by removing two bolts, which would be easier and cheaper than replacing the chairs, for a trial run.

edit: now that I think about it, my passenger seat might face the helm seat, but it will not face the rear, because it hits the back rest for the jump seat behind it.
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Lucky, have you tried sliding the chair forward and/or back at the same time you're swiveling it to help clear obstacles? That's often needed in boats with tight quarters.
Well go you guys, I can slide it forward and make it face the other seat. You just saved me $4K. I owe you both a beer and more!
Nice! The free fixes are the best! We all know that we don't get too many on those ;)
You are my wife's new best friend! She looked at those $1875 seats and was willing to go along with it because she knows how my feet hurt, but she wasn't thrilled. When I told her about your fix, she lit up like a christmas tree. Happy wife, happy life..... Thanks again.
Is this new position for driving, taking a nap, recirculating the blood in your legs and feet?
I have some problem with my feet, it hurts to have them below waist level, the pain instantly goes away when I prop my feet up. The more I am on my feet, the more it hurts. It's pretty unpleasant. I love to fish, I *love* to fish, so I put up with the pain but there is going to come a time where the pain outweighs the fishing fun. So the more I can prop my feet up, the better.
Llebroc makes the latest seats it is a version of the Mako narrow seat.
You are my wife's new best friend! She looked at those $1875 seats and was willing to go along with it because she knows how my feet hurt, but she wasn't thrilled. When I told her about your fix, she lit up like a christmas tree. Happy wife, happy life..... Thanks again.
Fantastic! :) :)

FYI, I like stouts. Luscious is one of my favorites. Guiness doesn't hold a candle to it! ;)
I have some problem with my feet, it hurts to have them below waist level, the pain instantly goes away when I prop my feet up. The more I am on my feet, the more it hurts. It's pretty unpleasant. I love to fish, I *love* to fish, so I put up with the pain but there is going to come a time where the pain outweighs the fishing fun. So the more I can prop my feet up, the better.
I'm researching seat upgrades and came across this. FYI a Yetti / RTIC 45 qt cooler fits perfect in the space between the helm and the chair. Need to slide it out to get a beverage but and I'm able to comfortably rest one or both of my feet on it while operating the boat.
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