Mooring Bridal Pendant for Marlin


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2006
Reaction score
Hi - 99Marlin is new to me and I am setting up my own mooring. The pendant (or is it bridle?) for both bow cleats rubs on the closest under- edge of the pulpit. It will definitely wear in storm conditions.

Chaffing gear will need to reach almost to the eye splice since this area on the bridle is so close to the cleats and pulpit.

Anybody have similar issues and how to resolve them?

Anyone have chocks installed?

I can take a pic later and post.
I added a cleat to each side of the bow for the mooring lines on my Sailfish. I centered them between the bow rail support and the pulpit and place a mooring line on each one. Works well for me. I originally just had the one int he center on the pulpit and there would have been a lot of chaffing.
Fire - was out there today adding some chafing gear. That's exactly what I thought....needs a chock on each side about mid-way.

(Friggin Harbor I moor in is open to the SE...which is the direction of most summer/fall storms, its not unlikely to see 3-5 ftrs in the mooring area in a storm...and there's almost 1000 boats moored here...anyway, I digress)

Be careful with open chocks. Lines can stiffen with salt and a pitching bow can result in the line coming out of the chock. Quick to chaff along the deck edge in that case.

I know from hard experience, albeit 57 years ago.

I suggest either a closed chock, or a skene chock.

Don't you have large cleats on each side, as came on our Islander?
ocnslr said:
Don't you have large cleats on each side, as came on our Islander?

Yes -same cleat setup as yours. But the two pennants attach forward on the mooring to a single point and the boat flops around behind the single mooring ball. The two pennants take turns rubbing on the underneath of the pulpit.

I've never been a fan of pulpits, even tho they look cool and provide storage for an anchor.
I did not have the two cleats on either side from the factory, just the one in the center. I supported them with 1/4" thick aluminum plate underneath and have not had an issue for 3-4 seasons.

My pennants do not chaff the underside of the pulpit even when just 1 is doing all of the work, maybe you need to lengthen them? I do not have too much current where I am in the river even when it is rough, which may also be a factor.

Fire - sorry I misunderstood your previous post.

I am not sure how much different yours are placed vs my Marlins (which are original I believe). I like the idea of re-enforcing underneath them.
