I have a Gulfstream, 23' with twin Yamaha 150s on a bracket. Last week during several days of heavy rain both of my bilge pumps quit and the boat filled with enough water to fill the bilge and put about 12" of water in the cabin. In the end there was very little damage, two waterproof fuse holders but that's about it. However, she's now sitting 1" to 2" lower in the water at the stern, enough to submerge the scuppers. I've looked in all the access panels and I've taken her out and drained everything I could but no change. It may be a coincidence that I recently had the boat out and refinished the motor bracket. I saw no problems and didn't open any access panels or remove the bracket. I recaulked the joint between the transom and the bracket. I don't know yet if there's water in the bracket but if so, where would it get in?