Motors for a 268 Islander

Boat may drop as much as one or two inches at teh stern with full fuel load.
BobP said:
Brian, you have the tanks full in photo?

Took this photo today. Tank is down about ten (10) gallons, and I noted previously we have four (4) batteries under the rear seat, and a 1000-watt inverter under the transom. Plus extra rod holders, etc.

Now I do keep a lot of gear in the cabin, including a valise 70# life raft. On the bow I have a windlass, a 22# Delta, and a 12# Danforth. These do provide a bit of weight forward.

But she isn't really "low" overall, either...

You can see that I raised the waterline between these photos, to keep the brown stain away.


The photo of my boat was taken last year just after arriving at Ocracoke. She was fully loaded with 202 fuel/32 water/full oil tanks + several extra gallons of oil in the stern box.
It stays full of fuel most of the time so I am not sure how high it would sit with 1/2 or less.
Brian, if not for the gas, it had to be the heavier load up front - lifting the stern, all other things being equal.

Your F150s are similar in weight to the 200 HPDIs.
if the hull (trans and stringers) as well as the motors are good, then it's a go. my sail fish scuppers are out of the water, even on the highway!! that boat your looking at is meant to be trailered. every boat, every model has scuppers that are under the water with wave action at sea. only at dock will there be a concern. i loved having my boat at the marina at first. then came all the pain in the grass stuff!! extra cost on fuel, the boat gets dirty, scum line, scummy people...not to mention the little voice in your head when it's raining hard at 2am!!!
BobP said:
Brian, if not for the gas, it had to be the heavier load up front - lifting the stern, all other things being equal.

Your F150s are similar in weight to the 200 HPDIs.

Our boat came from the factory rigged for a single engine, and that's what it had when we purchased it.

That means a single 150-gal fuel tank, not the 202 or 206 with the auxiliary tank. That is 300 pounds less, and we ride a bit higher all around.

I just checked the boat and the side scuppers are a good inch or two under water but the transom scuppers are maybe 3 inches above the waterline. When we had 3 people stand on one side water would come up to deck level via the side scuppers internally. Are the side scuppers meant to be underwater at all?
Scuppers should not ideally be under water, they will still drain a little while under water, but slowly and not how you ideally want them to. If you stand in the corner and water cones onto the deck that is a problem, that should not happen at all. That likely means the scupper flaps are no good, and the boat is sitting way low. Sounds like I'd walk away even faster now with that info. Scuppers will be under water from time to time due to wave action, but if they are at the dock ALL the time, that isn't good, we all know Grady's can develop transom issues from water intrusion, if your scuppers and other Thru -Hulls sit below the water, they are more prone to this becoming a reality. Are the side thru-hulls nylon plastic or chrome over bronze, if plastic that is an even bigger issue. The side thru hulls should not be fully underwater, if at full laod they have water touch them, that is acceptable, but not how the boat was designed. If they do they need more attention, but sounds like yours are way below where they should be sitting, I know a lot of islanders sit low, but the one you are talking about seems a bit lower then the rest. I wouldn't buy that boat if it was the deal of a lifetime price wise, just my opinion.
Hey all! Newbie here. To avoid redundancy by starting a new thread, I figured I'd slightly hijack this one as my question is along the same lines.

I'm considering the purchase of a 99 268 Islander, and my plan is to repower with a pair of 225 Optis DTS. The Optis weigh 495 each, compared to 425 for 200 HPDIs and 475 for F150s. My guess is that I should be OK (weight-wise) with the Optis. Also, I noticed that in 99, the factory upped the max HP rating to 450, so that aspect also appears to be OK. I'd love to hear any input you guys have on this.

I know most of you guys are Yammie loyalists... please don't turn this into a Merc bashing thread. I have owned both over the years, and I truly love them both. Besides, I already have the motors on-hand, and I'm looking for a boat to repower. IMHO, you can find a lemon under any cowling these days.

The 200 HPDI is listed at 475#, so there isn't really a weight issue. You don't need 450 HP on that boat.

What's on there now and why change?
It currently has a pair of 200 SWS. I already have the Optis (an offer I couldn't refuse), so I've been looking for a good deal on prime boat to repower that's not too old(1999-2001).

I'm not dead-set on a Grady, but I've always like them. I've always owned center consoles or cuddies, so I'm considering a shot at a WA. I know a Sailfish 272 is probably better suited for these motors, but I haven't found any good deals on one.
I have purchased the boat as it was traded in on my Hatteras 46. The boat actually runs really nicely with the F225's cruising at 25 knots at 55 litres per hour? I have had the transon & hull etc checked out by a boat builder and all good. I have also been offered by the local Yamaha dealer to bascially swap the near new F225's for brand new F150"s. The cockpit actually does drain even though the side scuppers are at water level & I am also in the process of totally doing the cockpit floor and sealing it completely. I am now not sure which way to go as the F225's area really nice motor?
Absolute said:
I have purchased the boat as it was traded in on my Hatteras 46. The boat actually runs really nicely with the F225's cruising at 25 knots at 55 litres per hour? I have had the transon & hull etc checked out by a boat builder and all good. I have also been offered by the local Yamaha dealer to bascially swap the near new F225's for brand new F150"s. The cockpit actually does drain even though the side scuppers are at water level & I am also in the process of totally doing the cockpit floor and sealing it completely. I am now not sure which way to go as the F225's area really nice motor?

If you are happy with the 225's and the scupper issue does not bother you I would stick with the larger engines.
You will work them less @ lower RPM's to achieve the same speed. The F150's are a great fit for that boat but so are the 225's, I bet she will hit 50 MPH with those. My 268 will hit 48 with the 200's fully loaded turning 17 pitch props.
Those 225 Optis are STRONG STRONG STRONG. My guess is you'll be flirting with 55. :shock: That will be one sweet setup. :D
gw204 said:
Those 225 Optis are STRONG STRONG STRONG. My guess is you'll be flirting with 55. :shock: That will be one sweet setup. :D

Unless I am mistaken Absolute has F225 Yammy's, I think that was another poster talking about the Merc's. Speed should be similar with either engine.
Looking back on his post if he can get F150's with full warranty's and no existing coverage on the F225's it might be tempting.