My current experience with Raymarine


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Shore, Boston
OK, so here I am on the preverbal soap box, please excuse my rant but I am angry and I think you guys need to know about this. The following is a summary of my current dealings with Raymarine. Before you spend a red cent with this company read this.

When I purchased my 275 Tournament back in 2008, I purchased my electronics new as well. After a review of what was on the market at the time and consideration of the fact that Raymarine is New Hampshire Company right down the street from my business, I decided to purchase from them. I bought a brand new 2008 Raymarine model C120 Classic display, SR50 satellite module and a DSM300 depth module. At the time I was considering an Arch and radar for my boat but could not swing the extra money at the time. My electronics guy said hay no problem, you can do that later.

Well, later is here and guess what, when I went to purchase the radar dome last week I was told they are no longer available and that that they were discontinued back in 2009. WHAT!!! How do you sell a product, the C120 Classic to be specific in 2008 and discontinue the peripherals for it in 2009 with no transition period or notice to the owners of the existing systems??? So, I emailed Raymarine to ask them this very question. The answer was a diatribe of pure psychobabble that boils down to this. You can add radar to your C120 Classic, we don’t sell it but you can add it and here are the part numbers, but be assured you can expand your system. I called around to the usual suspects in the electronics retail business and got laughed at. Those domes have not been available for a couple of years now, if you find any let us know we have lots of call for them!!!!

Next, in a subsequent email, Raymarine had the unmitigated gall to say that your best real option is to replace your equipment with current equipment.
EXCUSE ME, a 2008 C120 Classic is current equipment "expletive" "expletive" and I am not spending $6,500 on new electronics to add a $1,200 radar that I should be able to purchase at West Marine. So bottom line, Raymarine has left me (and now that I have looked into it hundreds of others) out on the cold and their only answer is in the plan words of a construction guy, JUNK YOUR CURRENT PERFICTLY FUNCTIONAL EQUIPMENT AND BUY OUR NEW SYSTEM. Well Raymarine, it will be a very very cold day in hell before I every buy anything from you again.

BUT WAIT it gets better! I was also told that Raymarine is now on a flat rate repair schedule for the C Series Classic system displays of $1,750. If the system completely dies $1,750 if a button stops functioning $1,750, get moisture behind your screen $1,750. My electronics dealer told me they heard out of mouth of a Raymarine sales executive that Raymarine’s strategy is to force the owners of these systems to buy new system through high repair pricing. OK, I can buy that if the system was six or seven years old but not three to four.

Oh yah, and while we’re at it, for all of you that are unfortunate enough to be in the situation with me, if you decide this winter, hay, I think I’m going to add Weather Satellite to my system, guess again. The SR50 modules have been discontinued as well and are harder to find than the radar domes.

Just thought I would pass this along to anyone thinking about new electronics.

I yield the soap box.
I was aware of the radome issue but not the crazy flat rate repair fees. I have left several messages for the Raymarine tech staff and never received a reply. I have a couple of C80 units on my 265 Express. Time is coming for upgrades and Simrad or Furuno are going to be my choice. I, like you, will do everything that I can to steer others away from Raymarine. THT and other forums are a good start.
i think you need to speak with your electronics guy. if you bought in 2008 and they discontinued the companion dome in 2009, he should have known that that was in the works. i do understand from the mfg point that at a certain point in time, things just aren't backward compatible (when was the last time you used a 5.25" floppy disk). however, it doesn't happen overnight and the retailers know the schedules.

as far as the flat rate, people bash the hell out of garmin, but i always thought their policy and prices were fair. the quote you got reinforces my feelings about garmin.

for a fix, i would pick out a new system with full integration and buy the smallest screen size that fits your budget. use that solely for the radar and continue using the c120 for charts etc. in the future you can swap out the c120 for a bigger integrated mfd and probably get a few bucks for the old one. you won't like to hear this right now (sleep on it for a month), but if you stick with raymarine you could probably continue to use the sr50 and the dsm with one of the new networked systems (but i would fully investigate that first).

in 2002 i started with a garmin 2010c for charts and ff. a couple years later i added a c80 for standalone radar and then a year or two later added a gps and heading sensor to the c80 for chart overlay. i used ram mounts and had both units comfortably mounted.

good luck with what you do. ron
Wow good to know. I too have the C120 set up. I will have to keep may fingers crossed nothing goes out on them. Otherwise I may have to upgrade to another product.....Kinda wierd though. Usually high end companies do not see an existing customer away, they usually give a discount or trade in.
Painful but true lesson about Raymarine. Their history has been to stop supporting discontinued equipment as soon as they could. Happened with the original networked systems they intoduced and again with the C series. Now, they're doing the same thing with the E and C wide series. If you want chirp sonar, you have to buy the new e and c series.

With the new owners, maybe this will change.
I have to say I have the opposite experience with Raymarine. I had a C70/DSM on my last boat and a C120W/DSM/digital radar set up on my new to me 265 Express. I found them to be responsive, helpful, and willing to troubleshoot issues over the phone/by email. I never had to use their service but a buddy did recently and they charged what it cost, not a flat fee. Perhaps they have changed the rules for the new units, but it's worth double-checking because a flat fee of $1750 just doesn't sound logical.
Also, I seem to recall that a while ago, the FCC imposed some sort of restrictions on radar manufacturers mandating no more analog radar, which is probably why they discontinued the analog unit the OP needs.
After a lot of though, I have come to the conclusion, with trepidation to buy a used radar off of EBay and install it on my existing gear. I am not comfortable with this decision but I can't bring myself to junking what I have (it does work very well) even if I could sell it on EBay for maybe $2,000 all in. With that, it would still cost me over $3,000 for new being fare and factoring in that I would have to buy the Raymarine radar. I did go to another electronics dealer by the way as I agree that my dealer should have alerted me to this in 08 if the product was terminated in 09, I might have gone with the E series had I known.

For what it is worth I plan to find out who the head of sales and marketing is at Raymarine and will be sending a letter letting that person know what I think about their practices and that many other feel the same was as I do. I will also let them know that I will migrate to another supplier when (not if) I purchase new electronics. I will post the letter when I send it and any reply that I receive.
Buy the way the more I dig into this the more people that I find that have been screwed by this practice.

To Max 366, I alway liked their product and had OK support but this is too much.
rather than go the ebay route, you might want to get in touch with jim at boe marine. he seems to be a stand up guy and one that would try to help out. maybe he can hook you up with a reman or locate one being swapped out for a newer system. seems like a guy that would do that.

in any event, you MUST get the serial number of the unit you intend to buy and make sure it is a direct plug and play with the c120 you have. when i bought my c80 w/ the radar, there was a notice insert in the radar that indicated a certain serial number sequence needed to be returned to the factory for an upgrade to work with my mfd. right out of the box :shock: . luckily, the radome serial number was not part of the upgrade batch and it worked perfectly with the mfd. if that were to happen to you now, i doubt that there's anyway it would be able to be upgraded.

good luck, ron
I had the same experience with Lowrance in 2008 when I bought my LCX 38C HD. It was given an award from NMEA in 2007 and was obsolete in 2009. Lowrance has not supported the software for years. The only good news in I can insert updated charts on SD/MMc cards. Technology is changing so quickly these days I'm afraid that's just the way it will be. Also contact FLIR, they bought Raymarine about a year ago.
Sorry to hear about this. I had some of the older RLR and RC displays and had them upgraded one time. I drove them up to the NH factory and they were great to work with.
I had an issue at one point and they fixed it very reasonably as well. This was just after it changed from Raytheon to Raymarine. Their cust service was pretty darn good. Looks like with most, things change and they have made some business decisions. I hope they know what they are doing. Orphaning customers isn't a good business practice. You would think they would use incentives to move people (win-win) versus orphaning (win-lose). It will cost them business in the long term. Hopefully they will have a change of heart.
I concur, Raymarine's products are trash and their company is worse, in my experience of course. I've posted several rants about them over the years. My favorite is when their latest software upgrade caused my C80 to require a separate compass module to tell direction. When I complained and asked how to downgrade their support folks made it a very difficult process.

Up this way, Furuno is the favorite of nearly all commercial fishermen. That's my route next time....