It's sad what people will do, but it is getting worse, and for illegals or those who are less educated or do not have a skilled trade, work is becoming harder to find with these harder economic times and they will do anything to put food on the table, being caught is worth the risk, they have almost no other choices. It is a sad fact. There are a lot of new boat tracking units out there now, one is called "Harpoon". If you move the boat without having the key fob onboard, it singals a silent alarm to your cell, computer and notifies authorities. I think it is $350 for the unit, and $20 a month. There are a few other units out there that are similar, but I have not seen to many with key fobs, seems like a good idea and it is not overly expensive when you consider what a boat costs and is worth. Even though problems are not bad by me, I've toyed around with the idea of adding one anyways, can never be too safe. My marina is county owned and Police come through every 30min or so and the marina is small enough that everyone knows everyone, and were not afraid to start convo and talk to a new face to see if they are legit. If they do not belong there were all willing to make a phone call and have them removed, and we've had guys chase out boats who have driven through and do not belong, typically jet boats or old crabbing boats looking to steal fishing tackle quickly and jet out. I guess were lucky having 2 police boats in the marina as well with a crew that comes down regularly as well.

It is a shame to hear how bad things are getting, especially in Fla from West Palm to Miami, that stretch has become the worst.
A bit too windy to get out and fish this weekend.

So yesterday I loaded up the dock cart with the stuff I needed, walked the two blocks from our condo to our dock, warmed up the engines, and then changed the oil and filters.

Fished offshore on the 7th, and watching for the next low-wind window to make another run for tiles and grouper.

Can't imagine living any further north than here. Or any further south for that matter... :D :D :D
