Need advice on 265 express


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2015
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I am considering a 2001 265 with 200 HPDIs 600 hours. The boat is in good condition and is a single owner boat. All maintenance has been done by the dealer who is selling it and they also sold it new. I will of course have a survey done before the sale. Any advise or comments will be appreciated. Thanks
Not advice but a comment - the 200HPDI is a very good engine. Very dependable engine and lots of life left if it was well maintained. Basic stuff to check are the fuel lines, thru hulls particularly if they are plastic, bilge pumps and overall condition of the electrical and plumbing systems. Good luck
I own the same boat but with 2011 225 Merc Optis. You are gonna love this boat. Remember to keep the bow up the minute you get her on plane, as she will bow steer if you don't. The ride in rough water gets better the faster you go. Kind of paradoxical, but true. Lots of mods and advice on this model here on GG.
I have a 2001 265 with the same motors, albeit more hours than your prospect. Great boat! I run out of San Francisco Bay, so if your close come by and look at mine. The 265 handles head seas like butter. Beam and following seas take some practice and a bit unnerving when she flops over, but trim the motors with no tabs and she'll settle down. Lots of room to fish and not too big to run solo. The center helm is a great design. Which one you looking at? PM me pics.
2003 265 express - like the above poster said, do not overtab. Great platform for fishing and family fun. I've taken her into 2 feet of water for fun on the islands or 75 miles offshore to the Northeast Canyons. Lots of happy 265 owners who are here to help, good luck!
My wife and I bought a 265 Express a few months ago and we love it so far. We are still getting used to everything but it's a great boat. I caught some mahi mahi off of it last week and had some for supper tonight.
Folks on this forum have answered a lot of questions we have had so you will have a great support network here if you buy it.
Long-term happy owner since 2003 - bring on the questions. I have proactively worked on, tweaked, updated, replaced, repaired most systems on the boat and have had no major irritations aside from the head macerator pump system.
greetings. I have a 02, 265 with new exhausts on 02, f-225s. love the boat. I've done many tweaks. I just added the Bennett trim tab auto trim tab system. You set the tabs at your liking, bow level, and or find a "no-list" or neutral. Then the system monitors this and attempt to keep the boat flat automaticly. It is a nice touch. It also brings the tabs all the way up when you stop. I like this because ive forgotten the tabs were down before, and gone on plane with one down, which can result in bow steer. I dont mind answering questions about the boat. I trailer mine. I've made 2400 miles this year without an issue. dale
Bad news; I waited too long to pull the trigger and someone got the boat before me. The dealer warned me that there was another buyer who really wanted the boat. Turns out that he bought the boat "as is" with no survey at full asking price. I can't blame the dealer for taking that deal.

Now I am considering something completely different. I'm looking at a brand new 209. It caught my eye when I was looking at the 265 and it will be a hell of lot cheaper to run.