Need help on Grady construction

Legend said:
When I have downloaded manuals, I always get a small message on the bottom of the screen that asks for your permission to download PDF files.

Thanks for the heads-up. I'm famous for not reading things fully. I'm going to try again right now.

Just tried again and no luck. The "Submit" button doesn't blink or act like it is being activated for some reason. I tried rebooting my laptop, single clicking, double clicking and right clicking on submit, all to no avail. I never could see any messages anywhere. Murphys law #267.....the more you want something, the less likely it is that you will get it. :)
Well I finished my seat pedestal project finally. I put Garelick adjustable pedestals on both sides. I was able to retain the same orientation so I could make use of the holes that still had good threads. For the bad ones I installed Garelick Togglers and they worked good, once I learned the tricks. I want to thank all you guys that offered advice and personal experience to help me to a good outcome. Unless someone was told that work had been done it would pass as original except maybe to you guys. :)


The worst part of the whole ordeal was the damage to the gelcoat when removing the storage boxes. The people that installed them used 5200 when screwing them down and I had 4 spots that pulled up a bit of the non-skid. I had never tried to replicate that before so I did some reading, ordered some mold and color matched gelcoat and it turned out OK. Its a fishing boat and it's not very noticeable. For a match to 14 year old gelcoat I am pleased. I had to point out the spots to my wife after the repair.






Halfhitch, Nice work on the pedestal. Impressed with your patch work on the fibreglass, not sure how you made it match so well. If your retirement finances go south, no doubt you could get a job repairing and matching fibreglass. Looks very professional! Cheers, trapper :goodjob
Nice work for sure! I'd be happy with the outcome also. Fish on!!! :goodjob