Need to Replace Fold Down Bench Retaining Clips


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2022
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Freedom 307
Hi. I need to replace the clips and their mounting blocks that hold the bar of the aft fold down bench in place (when in stored position). This is for a 2008 Sailfish 282. I contacted Grady White Service, and they were great. They gave me part number "10-152 CLIP 7/8" BLACK AFT SEAT HARDWARE" for the clip itself, but nothing for the hard plastic mounting block.

I have attached a few pics of my clips and mounting blocks. On one side the clip popped off (while I was polishing the area with my potary polisher), and on the other side the clip is somewhat flattened from the bar laying on top of it instead of fitting into the cliip. Also, you can see that both mounting blocks are cracked. Both mounting blocks still work, so I may be opening a can of worms by trying to replace them, but I think this is a good preventive measure.

1) Has anyone used something different for these clips? Seems like these clips, or something similar, might be available at a plumbing or electrical store, for holding hoses or conduit in place.
2) Any ideas on what could be used to replace the cracked mounting blocks? I think some hard plastic of the same approximate size would be fine, and then I could drill the necessary holes. What material could be used to start with, and ideas?

As always, TIA.


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It kinda looks like a plain old pole holder clip - of which there are MANY widely available. There are kinds made out rubber, as well - which are probably better. Also some made out of SS.

Google or Amazon for something like boat pole holder clip. Or, if you have a marine retail store (absolutely doesn't need to be a Grady dealer) they probably have something in stock.
1) Has anyone used something different for these clips? Seems like these clips, or something similar, might be available at a plumbing or electrical store, for holding hoses or conduit in place.

I haven't had to replace, so no comment.

2) Any ideas on what could be used to replace the cracked mounting blocks? I think some hard plastic of the same approximate size would be fine, and then I could drill the necessary holes. What material could be used to start with, and ideas?

How about PVC pipe or rubber hose with a wood dowel inside?
1) Has anyone used something different for these clips? Seems like these clips, or something similar, might be available at a plumbing or electrical store, for holding hoses or conduit in place
I haven't had to replace, so no comment.

2) Any ideas on what could be used to replace the cracked mounting blocks? I think some hard plastic of the same approximate size would be fine, and then I could drill the necessary holes. What material could be used to start with, and ideas?

How about PVC pipe or rubber hose with a wood dowel inside?
1) See my comment above. I've used so many of these types of things, it's hard to narrow it down. Other than the suggestion to use the rubber or SS ones.

2) The sky's the limit - it's just a simple spacer. An old plastic cutting board can be used by cutting it up. It's made from HDPE. PVC trim board from Home Depot is another easy solution. But, really, just about anything can be used.
Thank you all for your responses. Very good ideas! I have found a clip on-line for about $3 each (plus $5 shipping), which doesnt seem bad for 2 clips. And I have plenty of scrap PVC boards (Azek) that I should be able to use as a new base. Thanks again!
Thank you all for your responses. Very good ideas! I have found a clip on-line for about $3 each (plus $5 shipping), which doesnt seem bad for 2 clips. And I have plenty of scrap PVC boards (Azek) that I should be able to use as a new base. Thanks again!
Hi @RobboNJ looking for the same clip mine broke while cleaning up after a fishing trip yesterday. Could you share that link?
ty Mike
Just to follow up the GW pn is 10-152 Taylor marine in DE has them on eBay for $27 ea their prices are a rip off so I ordered from my local Radio Island dealer for $6.
Couldn't find the OEM part there are knock offs on amazon but harder plastic and not as tall
I never did rreplace the clip, so I do not have the part number. Good luck.