New boat contract signed and check is in the mail.


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
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So, after deliberating over and over.. and going back and forth with every possible idea...

I decided to purchase the 2004 GW 270 Islander.

I loved the Sailfish, but I wanted to add some weight between me and the max and the hassle of trying to get my truck or ANY truck to the point it was not maxxed out, was more than I wanted to deal with any longer. The guy in S Texas.. lord help me.. patient and he realy took care of that Sailfish. If anyone knows someone that wants one, by God.. 39k is a heck of a price for something that freaking clean and nice. Send me a PM, I will give you the guy's name and number..

But.. I am getting the Islander because for less than the cost of the work on my truck to HOPE to pull it, I can add a hard top to the Islander and have it where I wanted to be.. and 3 years newer.

So, as soon as I get it home.. may take a week, I'll post pictures.

I also liked the fact that the Sailfish, while immaculate...was getting pushed by twin 200's with a lot more weight, this is lighter and had twin 225's. imo, that worked better for me.

So, say hello to my little friend!...

And all you trailer junkies.. you can stop being all scared.. I can pull this one fine :P



p.s. NOW.. I can change the name to RussGW270 pls .. lol


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So, after deliberating over and over.. and going back and forth with every possible idea...

I decided to purchase the 2004 GW 270 Islander.

I loved the Sailfish, but I wanted to add some weight between me and the max and the hassle of trying to get my truck or ANY truck to the point it was not maxxed out, was more than I wanted to deal with any longer. The guy in S Texas.. lord help me.. patient and he realy took care of that Sailfish. If anyone knows someone that wants one, by God.. 39k is a heck of a price for something that freaking clean and nice. Send me a PM, I will give you the guy's name and number..

But.. I am getting the Islander because for less than the cost of the work on my truck to HOPE to pull it, I can add a hard top to the Islander and have it where I wanted to be.. and 3 years newer.

So, as soon as I get it home.. may take a week, I'll post pictures.

I also liked the fact that the Sailfish, while immaculate...was getting pushed by twin 200's with a lot more weight, this is lighter and had twin 225's. imo, that worked better for me.

So, say hello to my little friend!...

And all you trailer junkies.. you can stop being all scared.. I can pull this one fine :p



p.s. NOW.. I can change the name to RussGW270 pls .. lol
Russ, that's great. I know you can't wait to get it in your hands. Post some more pictures when you get it so we can all enjoy it. Best of luck.
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Thanks. I am trying to get it by this weekend but I think the following week is more realistic.

Also, first quote for a hard top (the guys in NC were out today so waiting on them) was almost 6k and that is with “pipe and canvas” which I find humorous since canvas is not a hard top.

So, will call the NC guys tomorrow. Hoping they are not 12k
It is nuts, but am watching youtube videos of 270’s glad searching is over.

Also bought three used Penn Senator reels today lol...gotta build up mah fleet again!

Cannot wait!

Thinking of naming her “B&B II”. Our ranch was the “B&B Ranch” so..

Cannot wait till tomorrow to talk to the top guys.

Thanks for letting the new guy ramble;)
Great. You've made it past step1. Now name her and get her wet.
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Welcome to the Islander club. We love ours.

Make sure those surge brakes are working on the trailer. She's lighter than the Sailfish, but she still has some weight to her.
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Allrighty. WMW Marine got back to me. I will have to install it myself, or pay someone locally, but they say they can get me the base OEM cap for around 6500-ish, ballpark. Then add in rockets, electronic boxes, etc.. then shipping would be anywhere between 500-1000 bucks PLUS another 600-ish for the crate they have to build TO ship it in... and.. I have to have it shipped to somewhere that has a forklift, then crack it open and bring it home.

I assume I could drop it onto my 20ft trailer and haul the box home, then open it up and take it out in parts heh...

Not sure how easy it will be to install, but I can build a house.. I think I can handle this :P

Your going to love the boat. I have the 268 and it is a great boat. The are heavy to tow I pull my boat with an F150 and you can tell she is back there. They are some big engines for that boat it should run great. Good luck you’ll love it.
OUCH! like I said, you really get a deal buying a Grady that already has the Hardtop and electronics box and enclosure...they ain't cheap.
There are probably cheaper local ways to get a new top but they won't look like a Grady top....maybe you could buy the hump top and box and have a frame built a lot in shipping????

you might find someone to buy that radar arch and bimini

...Oh ...something I don't think the tow guys mentioned was height...that top is going to put it at 13+ ft depending on trailer be careful.
probably higher than the radar arch thats on there now.

don't forget you need an enclosure $3K...I'm spending your money :p
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Our boat was purchased new with the Vista top. Six months later (Oct 2002) we had a custom hard top fabricated by S&S Marine in Norfolk, VA. Mike's Marine Custom Canvas in VaBch made the full enclosure. Total was less than your HT price. Yes, a long time ago, but our top was a lot nicer than the GW top.

Happy to chat about why...
Hrm, have pictures? I just want it to be a hard top and look good.. lol...most look like t-tops, when after market. I like t-tops, but a boat needs what it needs heh.

I also live in Texas, so hauling it out of state is not an option.

WMW will ship it to me (well, close to me) and then I have to either install it or pay someone to do that.

OUCH! like I said, you really get a deal buying a Grady that already has the Hardtop and electronics box and enclosure...they ain't cheap.
There are probably cheaper local ways to get a new top but they won't look like a Grady top....maybe you could buy the hump top and box and have a frame built a lot in shipping????

you might find someone to buy that radar arch and bimini

...Oh ...something I don't think the tow guys mentioned was height...that top is going to put it at 13+ ft depending on trailer be careful.
probably higher than the radar arch thats on there now.

don't forget you need an enclosure $3K...I'm spending your money :p

Lol.. yea, as long as it is under 13'6"... I think that is the legal limit. I agree, hence why I am being picky.. it has to look like a Grady ;) I think of this as a restore project heh.. albeit Jeff has taken super nice care of it.

It will only hurt for a short while.. once it is paid for and installed.. it will stop ;)

I found a place to get the enclosure made, planning on it ;)

Turns out the boat trailer needs a full rebuild of the brakes. So, current owner/seller is having the entire brake system rebuilt, $1,500-$2,000. Boat should be ready by the 22nd, worst case we are planning the 24th.

Waiting on the quote from WMW.. and if they can fit me in and will do it, will just ship straight to them and have the top added, then me. No sense paying shipping on the top and then having to pay someone to install it.
So, after deliberating over and over.. and going back and forth with every possible idea...

I decided to purchase the 2004 GW 270 Islander.

congratulations, I know you looked long and hard, it sounds like a great boat. I think I know the guy with the Sailfish, especially if it has 200's, he's a good owner.
Agreed, Brendon or Brandon, not sure.. seemed like a super person. It was not easy, but the bank started asking about the beam and my towing etc, since the liability was there... was too much hassle for me with a F-150