New Design and Forum Software Upgrade

greenhabah said:
On the old format it marked all topics as read when you left the forum so the next time
in you could tell what had been updated since the last visit.

I actually like the new way better, because if you were in the middle of reading something and had to close the GG for any reason, you wouldn't be able to see those old posts.
What i really would like is a "new posts" button on the bottom of the page also, so i don't have to hit "top" then "new posts".
And of course, MORE SMILEYS
And since it's Friday...

Photobucket, copy and paste.

Say I go to a "Smiley" site, like this one...

Find what you want, drag the smiley over to your desktop. Now, open your photobucket account and upload the image into the account. I have an album called "Smileys". Now, on my site, if I get the codes to upload the smiley into the reply panel, then that smiley is available to everyone. But on other sites where I don't have that ability (because I'm not the administrator), photobucket to the rescue!

Here's what I have in my photobucket album...seabob4's smileys
Perhaps I am missing something but how do I get to the first unread message in a thread or how do I identify the unread messages?
seasick said:
Perhaps I am missing something but how do I get to the first unread message in a thread or how do I identify the unread messages?

On the top right hand side there is a "first unread post".
An unread message has a red SMALL folder type in front of the message.
I like the changes that you've made to the new site but I'm still having problems staying logged in when I exit and return to the site. A larger font would be helpful to my aging eyes if possible.
seasick said:
Perhaps I am missing something but how do I get to the first unread message in a thread or how do I identify the unread messages?

On the top right hand side there is a "first unread post".
An unread message has a red SMALL folder type in front of the message.

Got it, thanks.

I still feel that I have to do more scrolling than before and am surprised that folks think the font should be bigger. If the headers and titles were smaller, there would be less of a need to scroll. For example, when I go to the main Great Grady Forums page to select one of the forums, I used to be able to see at least 5 of the forum choices on the page. Now I can't see any without scrolling down. This is due to the larger banner, ads and headers as well as the forum titles. I would like a more compact main page. The actual font for the opened posts can be bigger, that isn't a problem for me.
As I originally stated, the new layout seems 'Loud', by that I mean the bigger headers and titles hit you in the face.
Is there any what to do the below, like the old site used too?

greenhabah said:
On the old format it marked all topics as read when you left the forum so the next time
in you could tell what had been updated since the last visit.

Now I have to manually click the "mark all read" link before I leave the forum.
I hate change and this one was no different. I wound up being locked out for a few days because my pin number "would not convert". Then after we worked out this problem, I was still locked out because I had attempted to log in too many times when trying to solve the first problem. It then took a day to find out how to contact the administrators and get help.

With all this being said, I can see many improvements and I do like the cleaner/neat look. It may take a little time but we will all get used to it after practice, like computers, cell phones and indoor plumbing.

It would be helpful if these forums would come with a spell checker. I am the world's worst speller and I noticed there may be a few others that could stand a correction or two.

Jeffery, thanks for your help in solving my problems.

If you install the Google Toolbar, it has a spell check feature that works fairly well. I use it most of the time and the times I don't, my messages look it.

Any updates on the automatic login and auto posts read issues?
Parthery said:
One laptop has IE 7, the other 2 have IE 8
Check to see if your browswer is set to clear temp files on exit. I have noticed that some forums save data in temp and some in cookie folder.