The adventures of the Willy-Sea got a chance to fish with a buddy boat (Rickski’s Dreamcatcher) somewhere out in the big blue yonder east of here. In Capt Rickski style his crew picked up their limit of haddeeks way before our crew and was able to do some BFT and shark fishing to complete their mission (shark mission accomplished). The seas were FAC and was really a pleasure to stretch the legs of my puddle jumper as it hummed out and back flawlessly across the Atlantic for a total of 75 miles round trip. Many fish were caught, retained was 90 haddock (both boats=6 guys), many spiny dogfish, a few cuskers and redfish, a few extincters (cod), and of course the 11-12’ blue shark that loves haddock racks.
The freezer gods are smiling but busting out at the door seams
The freezer gods are smiling but busting out at the door seams