New Freedom 275 Owner


Mar 6, 2024
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Freedom 275
New to the forum. Just placed an order for a Freedom 275… our first Grady. We boat along the Delaware/Maryland coast, mainly recreational boating in the bay and inshore fishing. May go offshore once a season. Usually 2-4 people on board, rarely 6-8.

I decided to order the boat with digital 150’s (saved $10K)... performance figures looked similar to 200’s and think it will satisfy our needs.

I would appreciate any feedback from 275 owners with 150’s. Satisfied? Regret your decision?

Thank you!
Congratulations on your boat! Photos or it didn't happen. :)
You will be completely satisfied with the f150. The digital version is identical to the f200 minus throttle and ignition mapping that mostly affects the upper rpm range.
While only 300 HP collectively, you have 5.6 liters of displacement - far more than a single f300 at 4.2 liters. The large displacement gives you a lot of low rpm power to push your hull into plane.
The factory props will work well for the loads you describe. However, fully loaded with people and fuel, you will definitely notice the boat will take longer to get on plane.
FWIW, my hull is the same as yours, but heavier with the cabin. It came with mechanical f150s.
Congratulations on your boat! Photos or it didn't happen. :)
You will be completely satisfied with the f150. The digital version is identical to the f200 minus throttle and ignition mapping that mostly affects the upper rpm range.
While only 300 HP collectively, you have 5.6 liters of displacement - far more than a single f300 at 4.2 liters. The large displacement gives you a lot of low rpm power to push your hull into plane.
The factory props will work well for the loads you describe. However, fully loaded with people and fuel, you will definitely notice the boat will take longer to get on plane.
FWIW, my hull is the same as yours, but heavier with the cabin. It came with mechanical f150s.
Helpful, thanks. Delivery is scheduled for mid-May, so will definitely post pics then. My wife and I are going on a Grady factory in two weeks. Really looking forward to that!
Per the GW website... your boat with twin F150's on it will top out at over 46 mph. I'd say you're more than good on hp, unless you want a boat that will do over 50 mph. Which imo, that wouldn't make a ton of sense ordering a Grady White if that's your only goal. Scroll halfway down and then click on "performance" then click on double F150's and it'll pull up the numbers they got for their test boat with that outboard configuration on it.

Per the GW website... your boat with twin F150's on it will top out at over 46 mph. I'd say you're more than good on hp, unless you want a boat that will do over 50 mph. Which imo, that wouldn't make a ton of sense ordering a Grady White if that's your only goal. Scroll halfway down and then click on "performance" then click on double F150's and it'll pull up the numbers they got for their test boat with that outboard configuration on it.

Thanks for forwarding. That performance and top speed will more than satisfy our needs.
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Thanks for forwarding. That performance and top speed will more than satisfy our needs.
Most of the time it will, especially people that are considering buying a Grady White as they aren't really designed to be "go fast" boats. Congrats on the boat and post some pictures when you get a chance, especially if they allow you to take pictures inside the factory. Being out here in Seattle, unfortunately it's not really an option to be able to check it out in person.
New to the forum. Just placed an order for a Freedom 275… our first Grady. We boat along the Delaware/Maryland coast, mainly recreational boating in the bay and inshore fishing. May go offshore once a season. Usually 2-4 people on board, rarely 6-8.

I decided to order the boat with digital 150’s (saved $10K)... performance figures looked similar to 200’s and think it will satisfy our needs.

I would appreciate any feedback from 275 owners with 150’s. Satisfied? Regret your decision?

Thank you!
Great boat! I have a 2020 275 freedom with twin 150’s. Purchased used in 2022. In gear and at ideal (600rpm) there will be a shimmy or shake. Once you bump it up to (700rpm) this condition will disappear. I’ve checked the shafts, hade the props tuned and balance, all are okay and with in specs. The service manager at Walker Marine Naples Fl. told me……that is common on the 150’s and the 200’s. That they see this issue all the time. Just a heads up if you don’t like ratteling around in your boat.
Great boat! I have a 2020 275 freedom with twin 150’s. Purchased used in 2022. In gear and at ideal (600rpm) there will be a shimmy or shake. Once you bump it up to (700rpm) this condition will disappear. I’ve checked the shafts, hade the props tuned and balance, all are okay and with in specs. The service manager at Walker Marine Naples Fl. told me……that is common on the 150’s and the 200’s. That they see this issue all the time. Just a heads up if you don’t like ratteling around in your boat.
Interesting. Thank you for the heads up and the feedback.
Great boat! I have a 2020 275 freedom with twin 150’s. Purchased used in 2022. In gear and at ideal (600rpm) there will be a shimmy or shake. Once you bump it up to (700rpm) this condition will disappear. I’ve checked the shafts, hade the props tuned and balance, all are okay and with in specs. The service manager at Walker Marine Naples Fl. told me……that is common on the 150’s and the 200’s. That they see this issue all the time. Just a heads up if you don’t like ratteling around in your boat.
Call me crazy, but I think your issue is the idle is too low. An f150 shouldn't go below 650-700 rpm when in gear. Unfortunately I can't tell you how to increase the idle speed on a digital f150 but the interwebs seem to indicate a mechanic with the right software can.
Congratulations on your boat! Photos or it didn't happen. :)
You will be completely satisfied with the f150. The digital version is identical to the f200 minus throttle and ignition mapping that mostly affects the upper rpm range.
While only 300 HP collectively, you have 5.6 liters of displacement - far more than a single f300 at 4.2 liters. The large displacement gives you a lot of low rpm power to push your hull into plane.
The factory props will work well for the loads you describe. However, fully loaded with people and fuel, you will definitely notice the boat will take longer to get on plane.
FWIW, my hull is the same as yours, but heavier with the cabin. It came with mechanical f150s.

Is it too late to get the 200s? $10K on a new Grady is chump change. I think you will regret not getting bigger engines more than you would have regretted spending an extra $10K on a $250K+ boat. You won't miss that $10K a year from now...but you will always wish you had bigger engines.
Too late. Boat is at the dealer and being delivered next week. My last post was inadvertent. I was attempting to post pics but the files are too large.
Pretty cool boat. While you won’t get top end(and will likely lose some) you can consider switch to 4-blades after you have some time on the three blades. Ken at prop gods is a great resource. Much different boat/engine combo but I have a F200 on my 208 and have gone to a 4 blade Powertech 14x14 SCE4, am very pleased. Betting that you will find better uses for your money, however, than playing with expensive props.
Congrats on your new rig. Wish you all the best with her.
Nice boat! Do you plan to paint the bottom? Or will the boat trailered/lift kept?
Too late. Boat is at the dealer and being delivered next week. My last post was inadvertent. I was attempting to post pics but the files are too large.
Oh well, you are going to love the boat! Nothing rides like a Grady.