New Grady 265 Express

Bad Fish said:
I have been toying with the idea of a center rigger. Any feedback from other 265 owners out there with a center rigger?

Not a 265, but a 270.

A boat in a nearby slip had 18-ft Lee gunwale mount outriggers, and one got bent in the lowest section. The owner was going to toss it, and said I could have it.

I cut off the upper 12-ft section, purchased a 45-degree mount made by Lee. The two photos should show most of it.

I only mention it as bent outriggers are not that hard to find, and it was an inexpensive set up for me. We pull the WWWFB line on this rig, with a big bird, so lots of load and no problems. I used large fender washers under the hardtop, with compression tubes around the bolts.

Lee's 45 Degree Center Rigger Holder (Lee's Tackle 31092).



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No offense to Whaler Owners but, I think the move from the 24' BW to the GW 265 is a no brainer. Especially if you like offshore fishing. I had a 265 and loved it. Took it way out many times on overnight tuna trips (out of San Francisco) and it was terrific. I only moved up to a 330 becuase I wanted more sleeping area (aft bunk) and a genset.

As far as a center rigger is concerned, I will respectfully submit that you spend that $ first on a two way AIS. These devices are a "must have" in my book for anyone running offshore. Helps keep you from being run over by ships. The two way units (send & receive) aren't that much more expensive than the receive only and are of course much better because it places your boat on the plotter of all ships in the area. And some of thes ships run at 24 knots! So in ther fog, or at night, Mr. AIS can save your bacon. Just a thought...

Also - if you don't have it already, I would add another battery. While tight, you can add another battery in the Starboard Stern area by turning the one in there 90 degrees and squeezing the extra battery along side of it. With no genset, an extran battery (or two) gives you piece of mind.

Good luck with it and hope you load the boat with fish this season!
I ended up changing my handle to Rosstafari from Badfish to match my new decided boat name but here are a few close up shots of the boat from this morning after hitting the boat with some compound and wax.


Ended up buffing the hull 4 times...1st coat was super duty rubbing compound,2nd coat 3m imperial compound,3rd coat was finesse it II, 4th coat was 3m scotch guard wax. The top sides are fighting me a bit just because its a little awkward trying to the get the buffer in all the small nooks.
looking good. I agree the top sides around the hard top and outriggers bases can be tough. You can get smaller 3" pads which make it a little easier.
Had some good weather this weekend and made some time to install a few new things!
Lumitec sea blaze 3 under water lights and rigid industries D2 flood lights with one pointed forward on the hard top.
Rosstafari said:
Had some good weather this weekend and made some time to install a few new things!
Lumitec sea blaze 3 under water lights and rigid industries D2 flood lights with one pointed forward on the hard top.

Are the floodlights that you installed LED? they look like they are. If so when you install them can you use the same wiring as the old lights? I want to do the same thing on my new to me 265. Do the lights change colors or are they just white?

Boat looks great.
Rosstafari said:
Had some good weather this weekend and made some time to install a few new things!
Lumitec sea blaze 3 under water lights and rigid industries D2 flood lights with one pointed forward on the hard top.

Are the floodlights that you installed LED? they look like they are. If so when you install them can you use the same wiring as the old lights? I want to do the same thing on my new to me 265. Do the lights change colors or are they just white?

Boat looks great.
Got the boat in the water this past week and took her for the first shakedown ever! the boat ran great and i couldnt be happier.
What is on the front left side of the top. Can't make it out in the picture?
Just finished building a 2002 265. New 225 Marc Optics. With 17 props I managed 51.mph at 5400 rpm. Best part is that she got 2.24 mpg between 25 and 30 mph. Seas built up to 6 feet and the ride remained totally dry and not a bit of pounding. Grady should never has stopped making this boat.
Rosstafari said:
Got the boat in the water this past week and took her for the first shakedown ever! the boat ran great and i couldnt be happier.

Wow does she look clean! Nice job!

You know I had wanted to put underwater lights on her for years!

I am confident you will enjoy her! I am missing her!

After having the boat in for the last few weeks i have determined that she runs most efficiently at 35-3600 rpm getting 15 gph at 23-24kts but if u bump up to about 4000 im doing just over 30 at just shy of 20 gph which is pretty comfortable for me. One thing i can say about the 265 is that it definitely takes a little while to get use to her EXTREMELY sensitive trim from port to starboard. LOVE THE BOAT SO FAR THO!
Here is an updated photo of the new ride in her new slip for the 2013 season. Also spent a late night down at the marina last night with the underwater lights on and the squid are in! There were also some bass in with them. Looks like the fishing is starting to turn on inshore. I cant wait to make my fist trip offshore.
Very nice. How did you get the decals off teh engine? I also just got a new to me 265 have done a few things and the boat looks very good but teh engines are tired looking because of the fading and decals. Pictures did not go thru before. :bang