New Grady Model

megabytes said:
Of course GW could change their mind about the Marlin in which case I may need to look at Pursuit. :lol:

We sure do think alike! At the Palm Beach Boat Show a few months back we chatted with a Pursuit salesman and he said that they could not give away a 22 center console but that the bigger boats were still selling.

We spent 30 minutes aboard the new 37 footer and WOW! After having just been aboard the 360 Grady it was like a cartoon compared to a 3-D movie! One was a "boat" and one was a "yacht"!
The admiral perked up when I mentioned this model to her and the fact that it had a genset with AC. Any word on pricing? Might be time to replace my Sailfish.
here's my $0.02:
The bad:
No pulpit
No deck sink
no window for the aft cabin
cabin door is too narrow
railings are low
foot wells are shallow
Why a single tank
Good luck seeing over that helm
No locking helm storage

The good:
Well you can put one stack of electronics at the helm
Very clean helm
compass placement
Does it have a fold out sink like the Sailfish?
I don't know why many manufacturers have such low rails (and low gunnels too although Grady is good in that dept.) they help keep you in the boat.
A single tank vs. two is a toss-up. It's one less thing for people to screw up.
Are there any lights that aren't visable by the steps to the walk-around? That's something I'll miss.

I don't mean to knock the boat (I'll gladly teade them mine for that one) but some areas could use some tweaking.
I thought the livewell on the Sailfish was at the stern? The livewell on this one is in the same place as my 92 Sailfish, and it looks like a fishwell under the pilot chair, same as my '92.

If it's more like the 30X inside that means to me they pushed the bridge rearward, less cockpit, more cabin. Hopefully less of a big butt euro.

At about this time I would say:

Long Live the Marlin !

Long live the Marlin !

But MegaB, a bigger Sailfish this look like, closer to a Marlin(?)
I don't know about the Marlin, it did have a long run.
I dunno; unless the Marlin is about to undergo a big change, I don't understand the thinking behind this new model. I get that they have made it a little bigger, to accomodate the diesel genny, but wouldn't most potential buyers of this boat just get the Marlin? You can already get A/C in a Sailfish. The helm layout is more accomodating, but they could have done that on the Sailfish too.

I can only guess that the price point of this new Chesapeake will be attractive enough to be the deciding factor.
I have to agree it is much closer to a 300 whereas there was a clear step up from the 282. I'd be hard pressed to give up the tackle station, sink, 74 sf cockpit, and nicely sized cabin. I am a huge Marlin fan and would not hesitate to get another one down the road.

If GW drops it or changes it in ways that don't work for me, I'll just hang on to Mega2 or look elsewhere. My hope is that they will continually improve the model as they always have and not made any radical changes.

If I had to guess at the rationale for the 282 replacement, I would say it is based on these critiques.

o tight squeeze between the seats
o no genny
o windshield blocks line of sight

Anyone else notice the fill cap on the base of the captain's chair? I hope that is not a water fill. I much prefer it on the transom so dripping water is no issue. Who needs the mess at the helm?
megabytes said:
If I had to guess at the rationale for the 282 replacement, I would say it is based on these critiques.

o tight squeeze between the seats
o no genny
o windshield blocks line of sight

megabytes said:
o tight squeeze between the seats
o no genny
o windshield blocks line of sight

Anyone else notice the fill cap on the base of the captain's chair? I hope that is not a water fill. I much prefer it on the transom so dripping water is no issue. Who needs the mess at the helm?

The tightness seems worse on the express models.

Genny's are a nice option when they work.

That's where my water fill is on an older Sailfish. What's the issue with dripping water? The genny's probably in the stern where the water tank and live-well used to be.

The windshield should go up to the hard-top like the new 33.
Grog said:
The windshield should go up to the hard-top like the new 33.

Amen brother, Amen.

Also the way they rigged the seat plate just makes the helm look cramped. They should have made the tackle station wide enough to accomodate a seat mount uncut. It just looks like a cheap and lazy solution.

The fill cap is no big deal, mine is in the foot sole on the Marlin next to the companion seat. I have modified the plumbing to allow a fill from the pressure inlet on the stern with a cross over valve. I use that more often than anything else.

I think the things pointed out make this boat a cheaper boat. No lights up to the walk way, etc. This one is obviously heavily loaded with goodies, but take away allot of the electronics and optional helm seat, and this is a pretty bare bones boat.
jehines3 said:
[ No lights up to the walk way, etc. This one is obviously heavily loaded with goodies, but take away allot of the electronics and optional helm seat, and this is a pretty bare bones boat.

The lights on the step-up were replaced with LED lighting under the cockpit coamings.

I did not get the impression that the seat, with the flip-up forward section, was an option. Seemed to be standard.
My fresh water fill is on the port transom. I didn't realize some models had this at the helm. Our marina hoses have spray nozzles and I alway have a fair amount of water spill during a fill. Sure, if the fill was at the helm I could be more careful but I wonder why not just always have at the transom.
This addresses my issues with the 282.
- Cramped helm. This one is much more roomy.
- Windshield is taller and it appears the top is no longer at eye level.

I was never too concerned with the generator, but it is nice to have.
Is a thruster needed on this boat, I think not. Even on the 30 it isn't. It does make my Marlin a boat that I can handle alone even in the most snotty weather docking though - nice option if your throwing this kind of money around.
Don't care about the cut seat mount, nor the mid cockpit sink, there is one aft if that didn't change. One plus to this design, versus the Marlin is someone can actually sit on the fishbox and livewell. Can't do that too comfortably on the Marlin rigging station.

I would like to see a pulpit though... Don't see a cheap boat, just a more functional one. If my 282 had the helm room, I likely wouldn't have the Marlin.

Now how about that 33 walk?