New gunwale sink box, trim pieces and toe rails. (Pics)

1st grady

GreatGrady Captain
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
I contacted finaddict marine and sent him a drawing of the faucet box located on the gunwale on the 95 Islander. The new one is fabricated from the original GW almond color. The ABS one was degraded, dry rotted and cracked. Notice the lack of fasteners on the face and I have an electric pump switch wired paralell to the dash switch, (not yet connected) to the freshwater tank so I do not have to run to the dash to turn on the pump. Following pics show the toe rails and corner trim fabricated from Finaddict from the GW almond color for an updated look.

That was for just the box for the faucet. I purchased the spigot on ebay this winter and did the trim and toe rails last summer. Parts of the box are welded in order to eliminate the screws being visible from the front otherwise I would have constructed it myself.
how much were the new toe rails? I need 2 of them for my 208 and a few other items.
Nothing Else,
It was a custom job. I provided the CAD drawing. The outside dimensions are approximately 4 in X 8 in. I did have to file the edges of the opening a little to square off the corners. I am sure he can make it in black.

Sorry I do not remember the cost of the rails, I had other parts in the order with them. I could not find the old email or the receipt.
just bumping this so i can find it tonight and contact the vendor
I found an image of a gunwale sink box for a grady white explorer 24 on the forum. Are they stock or custom made? Lead time? What about the faucet and valve? Finaddict was the site where the pic was from
Did you ever get a sink box? I need to replace mine on a 228 Seafarer. I'm about positive they are the same size.
I replied to another thread where this subject came up. I bought a 1996 Voyager with the same issue - gunnel faucet box is dry rotted out. My solution is I'm having a 3D print duplicated of the original, but I'm also currently trying to source a faucet with valve integrated into it that will fit the small 3.5 x 8" recess.

I want to delete the old style shut off valve that is installed in the faucet box and simplify the plumbing by having the valve already part of the faucet. If anyone is interested in getting one of these I can have more made up. DM me or better yet just call my office number 603-210-5095. I run a small marina.
1st Grady, i couldn't find that box in his web site, was this a custom order? If yes, do they make it in black?
I just called finaddict marine and told them what I needed, they told me how much and I think it was a week later I drove to their shop and picked up the insert.
I just called finaddict marine and told them what I needed, they told me how much and I think it was a week later I drove to their shop and picked up the insert.
Late Again,

Would you be able to take a couple of photos and post. I am thinking about adding the cockpit faucet to my '98 Voyager.
I make these custom and have a few in stock right now. Go to ebay at this link to see photos and description.

I replaced the existing one since it was original to 1996 and looked worn out. I kept the rest of the existing plumbing (changed a vulcanized water hose was hard as a stone).

You can still get the original faucets, which are pretty much the only ones that fit, but they arent many left as they are NOS items.

The company that made them still sells an updated version wired for an electeic pump that comes as a kit. My boat didnt have this so I just didnt hook up the wires on the faucet fixture and used the faucet itself.

I can get the company name over to you if you need it. But Id recommend buying a couple of faucets to save for later if you plan to keep the boat for 10+ years as I do.

Great boats, for sure, but everything needs a little love after 30 years!
I replaced the existing one since it was original to 1996 and looked worn out. I kept the rest of the existing plumbing (changed a vulcanized water hose was hard as a stone).

You can still get the original faucets, which are pretty much the only ones that fit, but they arent many left as they are NOS items.

The company that made them still sells an updated version wired for an electeic pump that comes as a kit. My boat didnt have this so I just didnt hook up the wires on the faucet fixture and used the faucet itself.

I can get the company name over to you if you need it. But Id recommend buying a couple of faucets to save for later if you plan to keep the boat for 10+ years as I do.

Great boats, for sure, but everything needs a little love after 30 years!
Thank you! Just ordered Jabsco's marine faucet & pump (42530-0000).