New GW decals

The decals look good. Now to finish the job, rub your rub-rails with a rag with acetone on it (wear nitrile gloves). Then apply some 303 or other rubber protectant and you'll really be looking good.

Yep, experimented with acetone on a section of the rub rail, makes a difference for sure. Will be doing all the rub rail before I leave for Florida.
I need to do the that ya'll have called me out I'll do it tonight. :)
Care to share the size you went with?? I didn't change mine because of the size difference like Parthery showed. Have any ghosting from old one?? I'll order another set if I can get it closer to original, I zoomed in on yours and it looks dead nuts to original.
Cannot remember the exact measurements, but I recall that the dimensions of the Ebay listing were off...mostly in length. My original was longer. In short, I took exact measurements from my boat and had the vendor make them to my exact specs.
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Reactions: Ky Grady
Correct..the set I ended up with were about 1/2" too short on length and 1/4" short on the height.
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Before acetone and 303:



Not as nice as KYGrady's, but better than they were before.
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What 303 product are you all using on the rubrails? I need to do this as well.
I have 2017 Coastal explorer 251. Marina has beat off some of the lettering. Friend gave me his old lettering he had removed for a repair. So it does not have the factory adhesive. What adhesive could I use to adhere to my boat? It has awlgrip
Painted hull. Old residue has been removed
These are the letters to be attached


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Can they do the raised 330 Express hull logo that is midship? I’ve been trying to find someone who can do those raised (like original) and not basic flat lettering.