New here, looking for Grady


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2018
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Westbrook CT
Hi all,

Just joined, looking for advice on what Grady to look for.

Want a boat in the 23-27 foot range, would like enclosed head, 1or 2 engines, mid/aft cabin would be nice but not a must.

Most important, must have folding Bimini, no hard tops. I have a bridge on the way out.

What Grady model would be best. Have owned many other boats, not to familiar with the GW line. May consider a project for the right boat.

What’s out there?

Lots of models in that size range. Smallest with a mid-berth would be the 272/282 Sailfish, and I've never seen one without a hardtop.

Islander can be single or twins, has enclosed head, and is still 24/7 trailerable. Most have hardtops.
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Somebody just posted a 26 foot Islander in the for sale section of this forum. It has the bimini top that you require. Twin engines only have 200 hours on them. Looks like a nice boat. Mot too far from you either, It is located in Maine.
You might want to look at the freedom models. They have an enclosed head but no cabin.
Somebody just posted a 26 foot Islander in the for sale section of this forum. It has the bimini top that you require. Twin engines only have 200 hours on them. Looks like a nice boat. Mot too far from you either, It is located in Maine.

Looks like its SOLD.
I saw a sailfish without a hardtop before for sale used at the local dealer a while back, but have not seen one like that since. There is a 1995 Islander for sale on Cape Cod craigslist. My neighbor said he was talking to the seller at the ramp and said it broke free off the mooring and suffered some damage. It was for sale for awhile before that as well. Not sure what the damage is but nothing visible in the photos. Depending on the project you are looking for it may be a good fit.
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