New model

BobP said:
Isn't it ironic so few GG members have the interest we have.

I have the original catalogs going back and went through them too.

Entirely different customer profile today than in the past.

I read the auto industry can't keep up with production to meet demand for new cars, even in this perfect storm economy. Now how can that be ?

That's small cars, I repeat, SMALL (FUEL) EFFICIENT CARS.

And the SEAV2 hull model you mentioned, no need to change one single thing, just start pumping them out to the Grady dealer lots, screw prior orders. This will cover several years to come until fuel price stabiliy and time soften the blow.

Who hasn't come to realize (yet) the gas/diesel prices are here to stay, and never go back.

I recall just a few years ago at the NY CAR Show the crowd at the Hummer display. I bet no hummer display at all this year.

Don't shoot me, I'm just the messenger.
You know, we had large pickup trucks in the early 70's that got 14-15 MPG and we still have large pickup trucks today.
The people that drive pickups today are for commercial use or hauling heavy loads. Have no other choice.

Non-commercial non-hauling people drive large SUVs and pickup trucks because they are the fashion today, even though I don't see anything in the back of these beds or back of SUV trucks. How functional.

All a fashion, like the kids wearing Chuck Taylor Converse basketball sneakers, who never had a basketball in their hands.
When I wore Chuck Taylor Converse basketball sneakers, they were either off white, black, or an occasional dark blue, and I played basketball.

It was reported in New York Newsday June 22, page A6:
in 2006, total USA sales of GM hummers was 71,524 units
in 2007, 55,986 units
in 2008, through end of May, 13,410 units.

"GM is thinking of selling the Hummer line", (which means it's for sale).

In another article elsewhere, a chevy dealer in Calif. reported he couldn't give Silverados away at 1/3 off the sticker price.

How many cars current year model sell at 1/3 off the sticker?

I don't know what all that means to you, I know what it means to me.

Gas prices have increased 25% in one year.

I can read the writing on the wall. It's over.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player.
I am one of the few I guess. I am looking for a deal on a Suburban. I actually will be using it for both work and family and need the space. But I am not finding the supoposed "sweet" deals. The "SUV days" maybe over for some, but for the people with the need of a truck like this, there will always be buyers. Probably not in the same volume as in the recent past, but like is was in the 70's when a minor percentage was norm.

Even in my business (insurance claims), I am seeing the effects of this economy. And its not pretty.

I hope I can afford to get into a Grady very soon, but factoring in all of the assoc expenses going along with the boat purchase itself, makes me sit back and look alot more before I purchase.
For the short season here in RI, I just wonder if its too cost prohibitive.
Ackdog said:
Maybe better mileage, but not the same fun factor.

Putting that statement into a simple mathematic expression about fun factor reveals...

Suburban < Grady < Jeep :D
There isn't a huge truck market in CA but in the Midwest you would never see a deal like that. A new Sub or Duramax for 1/3 off? I'd probably jump on that.
Ackdog said:
Anybody know when the "Chesapeake" debut is?

Got to be pretty soon.

When we toured the plan on May 22nd, hull #1 was ready for its big photo event the next day, and there were quite a few other 290s in various stages on the production line.

I would assume it will be debuted at one of the big boat shows..
New models typically roll out soon after the 4th holiday (GW closes that week). I'll check with my dealer but I would surprised if they don't have one by mid July. The 272/282 was very popular around WB so I expect the new model to do well also (taking into account te general economy of course).