New owner.240 offshore

Todd 1956

New Member
Oct 3, 2020
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I bought a 88 offshore has a 350 chevy motor old style points rotor cap do i get replacement parts guys at auto parts stores say they cant cross ref. Without knowing what motor.where can i get this info.tia
Asking an hourly worker at a place like Autozone to get marine parts? Good luck! The statement "a deer in headlights" is an understatement. If it's not right there on their screen, forget about it. It's like asking a McDonald's cashier to manually make change! Now, some NAPA stores can help, though. But even that's hit or miss.

A local Mercruiser shop can help you. They can figure out what you need based on the year. FYI, many things on a sterndrive engine are "marine" specific and are specifically designed to be "ignition protected". Meaning, using automotive parts can make your boat go BOOM. Plugs and wires are fine to swap - cap is not. Alternator, starter - don't even think about it.

Dont forget to check/replace the impeller for good measure. And, absolutely check the condition of the bellows - unless you don't mind the possibility of your boat sinking :)
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Asking an hourly worker at a place like Autozone to get marine parts? Good luck! The statement "a deer in headlights" is an understatement. If it's not right there on their screen, forget about it. It's like asking a McDonald's cashier to manually make change! Now, some NAPA stores can help, though. But even that's hit or miss.

A local Mercruiser shop can help you. They can figure out what you need based on the year. FYI, many things on a sterndrive engine are "marine" specific and are specifically designed to be "ignition protected". Meaning, using automotive parts can make your boat go BOOM. Plugs and wires are fine to swap - cap is not. Alternator, starter - don't even think about it.

Dont forget to check/replace the impeller for good measure. And, absolutely check the condition of the bellows - unless you don't mind the possibility of your boat sinking :)
Yes ive checked their good my biggest problem now is we got it running today and i have hot steaming water running outa stern drive.also slow running water outa plug hole.time for mech.i guess i got took.hopfully its a hose that can be replaced without pulling sterndrive.but way my lucks going dought i got plugs an wires done only 2 bloody knuckles.i got oil out.but bent filter wrench trying to get oil filter off.and after getting rebuilt carb back on now water running luck freezeout plug but praying its just a hose.ok well thk for your help.ill checkout mercrusir.
Yes ive checked their good my biggest problem now is we got it running today and i have hot steaming water running outa stern drive.also slow running water outa plug hole.
You checked the impeller? How was the wear plate?

It's a little hard to follow what you are saying - can you re-read/add punctuation/capital letters/etc? "Outa" stern drive... what is that? "Out of the sterndrive?" Where?

"Outa plug hole"... same thing... huh?
And, absolutely check the condition of the bellows - unless you don't mind the possibility of your boat sinking :)

Hi Dennis,
Sorry for the thread drift. I'm a new GW owner and hoping you can help. How do I check the bellows? I have both motor and outdrive out of my 84 overnighter so there's clear access. I'm just wondering if it's more than a visual inspection?

Thanks in advance,
Hi Dennis,
Sorry for the thread drift. I'm a new GW owner and hoping you can help. How do I check the bellows? I have both motor and outdrive out of my 84 overnighter so there's clear access. I'm just wondering if it's more than a visual inspection?

Thanks in advance,
It's been a month and half and haven't heard back from the OP... I think you're safe! :)

Yup - visual is pretty much it. They should feel pliable with no cracks. If they're getting "shiny" looking, that's another indicator that it's time to replace. On the other hand, if you don't know when they've been done last... I'd definitely go ahead and replace them as long as you've got things torn apart. Might as well start fresh and you've already done all the labor.

Don't skimp - get the Mercruiser brand. From my experience, the Sierra (or others) don't seem to last as long.