New Wire Marine Panel

Looks good. I’m assuming you are gonna use the existing harness? I found corrosion on my faston connectors and cut most off and recrimped them. As many complaints as I’ve heard regarding GW wiring. I was pretty happy with it considering it’s a 20yo boat. The DC busses were worn out and oxidation was prevalent. A little maintenance with some contact cleaner, I’ve been using Deoxit D5 for many years.
Maybe take a picture or two during install. Good luck
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Looks good. I’m assuming you are gonna use the existing harness? I found corrosion on my faston connectors and cut most off and recrimped them. As many complaints as I’ve heard regarding GW wiring. I was pretty happy with it considering it’s a 20yo boat. The DC busses were worn out and oxidation was prevalent. A little maintenance with some contact cleaner, I’ve been using Deoxit D5 for many years.
Maybe take a picture or two during install. Good luck
Planning on using existing harness. I pulled the old panel off a few months back, and the connecters seemed serviceable, but will do as I need to. But fingers crossed for a plug n play replacement. Thanks for the tip about the Deoxit D5. Was planning on using dielectric grease.
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Planning on using existing harness. I pulled the old panel off a few months back, and the connecters seemed serviceable, but will do as I need to. But fingers crossed for a plug n play replacement. Thanks for the tip about the Deoxit D5. Was planning on using dielectric grease.

Dielectric grease is real good for install (I get NO-OX-ID at work). Maintenance, I use a shot of the D5 Aerosol.
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Very nice indeed. Why did you change the other panel? Could have just antiqued it or let it go patina. :)
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Very nice indeed. Why did you change the other panel? Could have just antiqued it or let it go patina. :)
I was under the impression another fine GG patron would financially back me on this :p:p:p
Thanks Lee, I really liked how they did the backlit GW logo. Yours looks sharp also. I found it very easy to hook to existing wire harness and replace the buss bar and fuse block.
Best of luck and enjoy, that new panel takes away some stress for sure.
Well, besides the holes New Marine drilled (which I did not ask for) being off centered from my old panel, got the new panel installed today.

I was pleasantly surprised that they tied both bilge pumps to all the light switch rockers, so they are lit up for safety when when I turn on any lights on the panel.

Marked off all the connections before switching out the panels.20200403_133454.jpg20200403_144121.jpg

Still need to test out the instrument dash gauge lights when its darker, but everything else worked.
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Looking good. Another thing on my list of updates to do.
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