NJ, Delaware, MD Rules/Regs


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2012
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Hi - I recently transferred with my company from South Africa to Central Pennsylvania which has been fantastic apart from being a little away from the coast! I recently purchased an Offshore Pro 240 and have been in the process of a complete restoration over the past 4 months in anticipation of having her on the water early in 2013 after a few test runs later this year. I anticipate trailering the boat between my home in PA and probably parts of the NJ, Delaware and Maryland coasts. Both boat and trailer and licenced and registered in PA and I have done the mandatory boat safety course.

Apart from the obvious fishing licences, and the above licences/registrations I have mentioned, are there any other particular licencing or registration items that I need to cover to fish these particular states. I intend to be doing predominantly offshore and bay fishing. I will of course make sure that all required safety equipment for each state is on-board.

Any advice welcomed! Thanks
There is no fishing license required in these states for fishing in salt tidal waters. There is, however, a requirement to register (free at this point) with the salt water registry within the state of New jersey.
Something else to keep in mind is that depending on where you launch, there might only be truck/trailer parking for town/county residents or permit holder parking.
Ventnor City NJ has a free launch ramp with free parking (no over nite parking permitted) at Ski Beach. Located at the west end of Dorset St. It is only 5.5 miles to the inlet to the ocean.
Also as a reminder it is against the law to have a trailer on the street unless it is hooked to a tow vehicle. So if you are spending more than a day there and don't have off street parking you may need another vehicle for errands.

In addition to the salt water registry in Delaware, you will either need a fishing license for yourself, or a fishing license for the boat which covers everyone fishing on the boat while in Delaware.
If you register with the saltwater registry for NJ, you're good for MD as well. Buying the MD fishing license (needed inside the Chesapeake Bay) is a default registry for the federal saltwater registry. However, should your boat find itself crossing over the MD/VA line if you're far south in MD, the VA Marine police will be looking to see if you registered with the VA Marine fishery. It's free if you register, but the word is the Marine Police are writing tickets (depends on who you run into) if you're not registered in MD. Not sure of the fine, but you can be sure there is one. PM me and I'll look up the website to register if you think you need it. We are at the point where it is becoming hard to stay within the confines of the law, even if your intentions are good. I'm guessing we'll see a Federal Fishing license in my lifetime and it will get increasingly more expensive.