Non Grady member, guilt?

I did the same thing in September, for some of the same reasons, mainly the walk around at age 75. Sold my Seafarer, and bought a Glacier Bay 2640 Renegade DC.
I did the same thing as Glacierbaze for some of the same reasons, except I got a Glacier Bay 2240 Renegade. I'm still here. I can't stop clicking on GG.
I did the same thing in September, for some of the same reasons, mainly the walk around at age 75. Sold my Seafarer, and bought a Glacier Bay 2640 Renegade DC.
I did the same thing at the end on the '23 season. Went to a smaller skiff type boat. This was my first season with the new boat and it has worked out well. Kingfish was just to much work at this point in my life and like Glaciarbaze the walkaround was becoming problematic. Man's got to know his limitations. I like to see the posts about people restoring older Gradys here.
Since Seasick started a new post, maybe it's alright to side track this one a little. My new-to-me cat, so now my user name makes sense again. Larry Graf trailered a '94 prototype 22'er to the east coast, and demo'ed it to dealers, and then one of them sold the first Glacier Bay on the east coast. It was the boat on the cover of the '95 brochure. I was the third owner, and kept it for about 10 years.
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What does the dog think about the boat's name?
The dog hates cats, but we were only dog-sitting while our daughter was out of the country. Once I thought that she was actually studying the picture, trying to figure out if she should be upset.