Oh the places we have gone

I sold my ranch because the kids wanted to fish. My dad used to take us out to the Galveston jetties in a 13ft Boston Whaler. Some of the best times growing up and he knew how to handle that boat... well, except the time he reached for a net to grab my brother's massive redfish.. and hit it with the paddle... lol Other than that.. all good! lol

Hoping the kids pick this up too ;)

I show them these pics to get them excited as well ;)

Yah, me to a Montauk 17 in 65 when I was eight on Lake Erie. Born and raised at the time on a beach house. Later that Montauk became my first boat. It took me a year and half and rebuilt it. Stripped er to the haul too.Father and I had a Grady too...306 Bimini on the lift here in Fla. My best memories have been on or in the water scuba diving. Soon it will be time for another Grady. I’m chumping at the bit again...like a fish out of water.
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