I think the let the dots you are referring to are circles that may be filled in or not are not levels, they indicate the status of the oil tanks. On older gauges there may be colors on the faceplate. On later model gauges you will have grey dots. There should be symbols above( or is it below) the dots. The manual for the gauges and the Grady Owners manual explain what the various combinations of dots mean.
Basically there warnings for different conditions of the oil levels in the two tanks. Low oil in the main tank (the one on the motor ) is a red alarm and is critical. Even with a full remote tank, you can get a low oil in the mail tank if you have a clogged tank filter, sludge in the remote tank, wiring issue, or a bad oil pump in the main tank. Running the motor in that condition can cause it to blow up as we say.
Low oil in the remote tank is a yellow alarm condition I think they call it. That tells you that you basically have no oil in the remote but still have oil in the main. As you use the motor, thatmain oil will be consumed, leading eventually to a critical oil condition