Our new Tourney 225 - a few pics

Those are great pictures. From the looks of things it appears our boats are equipped pretty much the same with the stereo, ski pylon, vista top, sleeper seat etc. It looks like you have the upgraded helm seat and bottom paint which I don't. I am also having them put the footrest on the port side as well for my wife. Again I'm not sure that the GPS can be connected to Command Link but I will look into it. Also I had the DSC feature on my Whaler connected and it's great for just contacting other guys with MMSI #s. It avoids having to try to hail people on 16. Go to the BOAT US web site when you get your boat registered in Connecticut and you can get an MMSI # free to program into your ICOM. There is also a great tutorial on the whole Rescue 21 program on that site as well. Hopefully you'll never need to use the rescue feature but the DSC is great for contacting friends and polling positions of others etc.
I had my VHF on the 205 in the exact position you are looking at, and it worked great.

One thing you might want to add is an external speaker. I bought the small one ($25 or so) and it makes all the difference in the world, particularly when you are running.

Check out the pic and you can see it, just to the right of the helm seat, next to the mesh net...(its tough to see but this is the best angle I have.)


Beautiful boat ....well done...we too are looking for a 22--27 foot tourney but no dealers in Vt. Have setteled for a used 19' for starters.
Vtdochop - Thanks! I don't know where your nearest dealer is, but the guys in CT have been great to deal with.

Parthery - That was a helpful picture - muchos gracias... Also I am glad to hear about the external speaker. I always wanted to do that in our last boat because I kept missing friends hailing me when running. Is it as simple as a loudspeaker and a wire to the back of the VHF? or do you need a seperate amp of some kind? I definitely want to do that!

I had a Poly Planar speaker hooked up to my ICOM 402 on my Whaler. It was only about 3" X 3" and was plenty loud and waterproof. ICOM also makes one for any of their radios. It plugs directly into the back of the radio and couldn't be easier. I think I ordered the Ploy Planar from Boaters World.
If you go with a Std Horizon radio, the wiring harness has an RCA Plug...just plug it right in.

If you go with an ICOM 422, there are two leads in the wiring harness...they connect to the two leads coming out of the speaker. On the ICOM 422, if I recall, you also have to go into the menu, enable the external speaker, and set the volume.
Already bought an ICOM 504- it probably interfaces with the speaker in the same way as the ICOM 422 that you describe. Sounds like I can buy the speaker from any manufacturer (not just icom?)

We need to get you another Grady Parthery :D - are you looking for a 225?
Parthery's GW history reads like this:

'86 190 Tournament / 150 Yamaha (sold)
'99 208 Adventure / 200 OX66 (sold)
'99 228 Seafarer / 200 SWS (sold)
'01 226 Seafarer / 200 HPDI (sold)
'05 205 Tournament /F225 (sold)

I've been looking at 225s (and 228s) for several months...and have made offers on 3 of them. The deals fell through on all 3 for one reason or another (seller got cold feet and mysteriously lost the title; a seller took a more attractive offer after he accepted mine; etc...) I'm picky, but I'll find one that meets my criteria and make a deal sooner rather than later.

Thanks goodness some family members who live in FL have boats or I would have lost it by now :shock:
I hear you... The 225 can be hard to find used - I know this from my search before I lost my mind and bought new... I would appreciate it if you would buy a new one so I could feel better about myself! :roll:
Great boat - I had a 2004 and am now looking for a 2007. I almost bit on the 275 also, but felt the 225 is the perfect boat for part time fishing and fun. Congrats on your purchase! It's a tank!