Outriggers size for marlin


May 22, 2016
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Hey guys,

Have a question on what size outriggers to put on my 2002 marlin. I came across a nice pair of Lee 28footers. Does anyone have a pair that big on there marlin? Would it affect ride performance going that big? Or is the marlin better off with 24 footers?

I have 15' top guns on mine. I think 18' is probably sufficient. I wouldn't go much more than low 20's if you have the Lee side mount.
Yes there the Lee side mount ones. Your thinking they will be too heavy for the boat?
personally i'd do 18'ers. the longer the heavier and I think longer are just too big. I only run two lines off my 15'ers and use outrodders on the gunnels. you can get 6 lines out this way.
Interesting. I have outriggers on my new-to-me 1999 Marlin. I would like to get rid of them because I will never use them. I looked at removing them, but it looks like the mounts will leave a few holes and I did not want more of an issue filling and finishing the holes.

I am curious about your handling comments/inquiry. Do outriggers in the up position effect center of gravity...sea-handling to any great effect? I am very conscious about that after owning a walk-around that was clearly top heavy and would not track.
Prob best just to keep the mounts on and remove the poles. I agree the holes are an issue that you prob don't want to deal with.
They should not affect ride at all. You could always use them to fly flags!
Any more thoughts here. I currently have 15' hardtop mounted on a 305. Will likely go 18' cf which I think will be a worthwhile improvement, but considering 22's. Many thanks.
Our Marlin came without outriggers. We added Lee "MX style" outriggers that I believe are fifteen feet long. These go into the MX style base mounts that I think are eight feet long ( I may be wrong they may be six foot bases). So I think the total length is 24 feet.

With this setup, we can run three lines off each outrigger, often we run two spreader bars off each rigger. These can be difficult for shorter guys to raise and lower, especially in rough seas. I prefer these over any of the hardtop mounted outriggers I've used on other boats. I must admit I haven't used a hardtop mounted outrigger newer than seven years old, the new ones are probably much better than the older ones.
Falmouth area, you will want as much height as possible. Check out the bracket/roof mounted O/R's on Tightlines tackle