passenger seat install


Active Member
Aug 8, 2017
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I removed the factory folding seat in my 1995 192 to make room for a big cooler for a fish box and now I'm going to install a pedestal seat similar to the factory helm chair. I know that I need something more than screws to mount it to the floor. what about the stainless snap toggles? any other ideas?
Those can work fine. Another option is to cut a 4" access hole in the middle of where the seat base will be. That would allow for access to insert a backer plate.

Look a few post below yours for a post about "Grady Construction" (or something like that) - there's a whole "discussion and answers" in there about this exact modification.
I just finished a project such as yours and Dennis was instrumental in helping me through the project. One thing that differs in our projects is that my boat had had seats installed previously and had been removed leaving some of the anchor points damaged but I had the locations. If your boat never had pedestals before then you will be locating the mounting location yourself. On my 205 tournament the seat mount was very close to the stringer system so if you don't position the holes just right, there will be no void to work with for installing the Togglers. The other thing that wasn't addressed in the thread that Dennis referred to was the fact that you may have to deal with foam removal to provide that void for the togglers. I did it by making an "L" shaped tool for my drill out of heavy gauge spring wire and spinning it under the deck through the bolt holes. When installing the Togglers be gentle, they are made to break off after you get them set to your deck thickness so any rough handling and they can break before you are ready.(this is first hand knowledge). I ordered the Togglers from Amazon but found out that West Marine stocks them so if you have a WM store nearby you are set.

One of the guys helping me posted a drawing of the rigging tube layout on my boat that he got from the Grady website. It was great info when it came to working through the deck. I have been unable to download that myself but if you can do that for your boat it would be a good first step.
thanks for all the info. I ordered the toggles off amazon to but I also have a west marine close by to.
Ok. Update received my rtic 110 and my seat and pedistel. Everything looks nice but with the matching pedistel it will take up too much room, thinking about using one of the flush mount floor mounts like the bass boats have. I know that they are not as sturdy but I can remove the chair and pole and put the cooler on top. The chair is only for my wife and she does not fish very often. Anyone else ever uses one of these ?
What's an "rtic 110"?

I "thought" those removable post fishing chair setup weren't meant to be used while underway? Meaning, while underway (at speed), you would remove the post and drop the seat down to the floor hole? Maybe there are different kinds?
The bass boat kind aren't for running hard. Bass boats have low seats for that. The pedestals are for sitting high and casting lures.
I had them 20 years ago on a tin boat. I wouldn't want to be running in the Atlantic sitting in one of them.

In fact, we had that boat in Key West and one if the seats snapped when I was leaning back taking a pix of my brother holding a 'cuda. Lost my Canon AE1 35mm SLR overboard... :doh
DennisG01 said:
What's an "rtic 110"?

I "thought" those removable post fishing chair setup weren't meant to be used while underway? Meaning, while underway (at speed), you would remove the post and drop the seat down to the floor hole? Maybe there are different kinds?

RTIC 110 is a cooler. I got a 145 quart a while back on sale for $307, shipped no tax. As good as a Yeti at 1/2 or 1/3 of the price....
Fishtales said:
DennisG01 said:
RTIC 110 is a cooler. I got a 145 quart a while back on sale for $307, shipped no tax. As good as a Yeti at 1/2 or 1/3 of the price....

Ah... tricky, tricky with their spelling. I get it, now, said the slow man... "Arctic". Thank you.
Thanks Dennis....the light came on just as soon as you said it. I guess getting old does have some drawbacks. Seems like spelling the whole word Artic would have been a better name......for old guys anyway. :-|
Halfhitch said:
Thanks Dennis....the light came on just as soon as you said it. I guess getting old does have some drawbacks. Seems like spelling the whole word Artic would have been a better name......for old guys anyway. :-|

I'm not even that old (45) and I don't understand half of what the kids say these days... and then there's that whole other "language" that they use when texting with all those abbreviations! WTF! :)
I'm with you on that. My kids write stuff to me with those abbreviations, no punctuation and no capitalization and it takes awhile to decipher. Not sure how that goes over when applying for a job???
Went to our new West Marine after dinner tonight and bought an aluminum folding deck chair. They were on sale. Seems to fit the bill just right for me and no drilling holes in my boat. Very sturdy and the wife loves it.
Hi Halfhitch. Relatively new and had a question this exact modification on my 205. I’m not exactly sure how to private message and could use your help with a question or two before I started drilling holes.
Hey Bert, Just ask your question right here. I will tell you what I know but you will also get help from some very knowledgeable characters on here.

But to answer your question about how to do a private message to someone, just click on their handle name and you will get a pop up with obvious instruction. Feel free to message me.
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IMG_9066.jpegIMG_9085.pngThanks all. The Grady I have is a 2006 205 Tournament and I’d like to remove the passenger lounge and mirror what I have at the helm. As it sounds Halfhitch knows, and probably others, there’s a stringer blocking access to the bottom of the original pedestal. My questions:

- any idea how Grady originally backed the bottom of the pedestals? Just curious

- when positioning new port pedestal, should I mirror the location of the existing near the gas tank access seam? Does that give enough room to miss the stringer that I assume is there to add the toggles?

Adding a couple of pictures in case it helps. The red line is approx the stringer location.
I'd want a backing plate on that if you don't have one. Looks like you have access via the floor if needed.
When I did my seat bases, I was unable to find the bases that are cut off on one side, so I used the ones that are a full circle. That made one hole able to have a screw directly into the stringer. The only downside of this is that when removing the gas tank cover, the seat base must be removed. Just make sure to use lots of sealant in the hole. For the location of the port seat you will want to locate it as far to port as possible and still be able to rotate the seat to face rearward, even if it requires the seat to be slid forward or backward to make it rotate. This is to make for as much room as possible between the two seats for people to pass. The fore to aft placement is up to you, it does not need to be the same as the captains chair. Make sure no parts of the seat or any footrests can interfere with the port console door when the seat is slid all the way forward.

When you do the final install of the seat, use lots of sealant so no water gets under the base. Put blue painters tape down first so it's easy cleanup. Make SURE you don't use an adhesive sealant. If you use 3M 5200 and have to remove the bases one day, you will likely pull off some gelcoat. The previous owner of my boat did just that when he installed the seat boxes and when I removed them I had to get non skid pattern mold to repair it. You no doubt know all this but something here might give you some ideas. Not doubt other guys will help with other thoughts.
Good luck.........Pictures are cool. :)
Thank you. Luckily I found a base with the cut off on one side.

I’m thinking for the 3 holes on the flat side of the pedestal base, I’ll try and go right into the stringer. The other 3 on the rounded side, I toggle those. Thoughts?

Also thanks for the sealant advice. Not sure I would have thought to do that.