Penetrating epoxy into freshwater hatch help

I used Coosa board 1/2”. 4’ x 8’ sheet was almost $200. It’s overkill but my time is worth something to me. It’s a forever fix.

Plywood is ok too but you really should vacuum bag the part. This will draw the air out and replace it with epoxy. It also petrifies the plywood. GW didn’t do this and water that gets in go to the inside plywood layers. They suck the water up, break down the glue and delaminate. Freezing probably doesn’t help either.
I started cutting this corner back and I just want to make sure that this use to be wood before I get too far into it. I was just going to cut those couple corners back and then just use some chopstrand to replace/reinforce.
That’s a Interesting photo. Doesn’t look like plywood. Honeycomb pattern. See what it’s made out of and what kind of shape it’s in. Leave the part standing on that corner and see what comes out.