Peter Jenkins -- Along The Edge Of America

Guys when the book finally get all around, I would like it back to place at the Beach House.
You can mail it to
John Ryan
20 Prospect Avenue
Middletown, NY 10940
I’ve got one of the copies. Just about finished. Where does it go next?
Not sure who is in line next, but I would sure be interested in reading it. Make sure the name and address is with it where I should send it when done. If you figure out that no one else is line give me a shout and I'll give you my address. Thanks
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I have the copy from KY. I got into it and then my life turned into work getting my new coffee bar opened. I would like to finish it but I can. move it on. The question is who's book do I have ?
Great read. I've day-dreamed about retracing his voyage someday. Read it twice, at least ten years apart. Love his quote from the Miami Boat Show...
Mine has my name and address in the front, but please don't mail it back to me, yet. Send it to someone else. I have already paid to send it out several times. There should be a companion photo book that goes with my copy.
Anyone still have my book? I'd love to have it back in the collection and see how far it traveled. Let me know, the address is on top of the feed.
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Nice to see this rotation is still going on strong...
I don't see where either book has moved since Oct and Nov, 2020, so I am asking for a recall on mine. It went from KY to SMG around post #50. Should be the book, and a photo book with it. A padded envelope, and media mail is the cheapest postage rate. Thanks.
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I don't see where either book has moved since Oct and Nov, 2020, so I am asking for a recall on mine. It went from KY to SMG around post #50. Should be the book, and a photo book with it. A padded envelope, and media mail is the cheapest postage rate. Thanks.
I'll reach out to Smoky this morning and see if he still has yours. He's been through a whirlwind of ups and downs in his life,,, good chance he still has yours.