Piling bumpers and dock lighting


Active Member
May 16, 2010
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Jersey Shore
I had some white bumpers nailed to my pilings but after few years they are pretty well shot. Think they were west marine. Anyone have suggestions where to buy bumpers I can attach to pilings that will last? I don't want fire hose. I am also am looking for suggestions for dock lighting. I have an 8' wide dock and not sure I like what I am seeing with solar only pucks. Afraid they will not give off enough light. Anyone have some photos? As always thanks for the help!
Check out a product call Fender Bucket. You install fenders inside so they don't get all gummed up. I think the solar is probably the best unless you are running power.
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Volt landscape lighting has some great solid brass low voltage lights that are perfect for docks and harsh enviroments. They are not cheap but they come with a lifetime warranty. You would need power for the low voltage transformer.
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