Plans for the weekend - what would you do?


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
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Okay... so, rather than take the boat out early and in 3-5ft waves, my friends have an alternative. We are going to meet at his dad's place Saturday and spend Saturday and Sunday working on the boat.

Now, depending on how long it takes to drop the lower units on the engines and check them out then put them back together, I am hoping we have time to also check all the pumps....and, if possible.. heh, install the new stereo system....

That last part is not a priority, but, figured to throw that in there ;)

So, if you had 2 days, a hoist, shade.. (need that shade.. lol) and help.. what would you spend it on?

I think the lower units and checking the exhaust out personally would be a must, for well as, since I have those open, replacing the water pump etc.

May also swap the plugs out, new plugs never hurt, right?

I need to figure out how many pumps this boat has, how many tanks for water, and a "plan" on how best to test them, so I do not waste time figuring that out later :P

So, need the experience of all you fine people. ;) (you knew that was coming, right? lol)

I ran the fresh water pump and drained as much as I could, but flushing water through it, have not yet. Also, have not even looked at where the toilet gets it's water from, or where it puts it to... so will be looking at the online diagrams today/this week.

Any tips will be appreciated. Trying to come up with the most efficient plan I can to take advantage of the help this weekend. Figured to get started early Saturday and be home before dark Sunday.

I do not want to replace things just to replace them, but also do not care to "go cheap". If I have it cracked open, may as well take care of it, but cannot make it a $1000 weekend....wife will flip out if I spend more money before I have even taken it out.. heh.

Also, have not even looked at where the toilet gets it's water from, or where it puts it to... so will be looking at the online diagrams today/this week.

Head uses sea water to flush. Supply seacock likely under the steps going down into the cabin. Do you have one or two pie plate inspection ports on the forward face of the steps?

Head discharges to the 10-gal holding tank, located under the forward part of the bridge deck, under that large removable section. Should be visible by removing the inspection port at the forward end. Fresh water tank (30-gal) should be under that section as well, and visible by removing the aft inspection port.

Holding tank can be sucked empty at a shore pumpout station, via the pump out fitting that is likely in the stbd walkaround, about half way forward. The tank has a built-in macerator (common source of failure), and can pump out directly overboard through a seacock that is also under the steps going down into the cabin.

The sea water supply seacock is to stbd, and the macerator ovbd seacock is to port. The macerator pump is controlled from the small panel over the head, where the holding tank level indicator is located.

I can send you some photos, if needed.

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Oh, that gets me started, thank you so much Ocs. You are such a wealth of knowledge. I am pretty pumped to have help this weekend. Doing the work is not as hard as getting motivated in this heat lol.. and with my workshop not fully set up yet ;)

I was looking at the 100 hour maintenance job. The last time it was done was in November of last year and the boat has about .. call it 20 hours on it since then. I got it in March. While I want very much to open those lower units, I am debating putting that off till the fall. Reason being is, the guy took really good care of the boat and kept fair records....he says there is an issue with a pump, so..I am thinking, while I have help... go through the other 90% first. If I get time, go back and do the lower units.

He stated there was an issue with a pump. I have videos of the boat running smooth and starting up in under 2 seconds. I can test the engines running well, and then fix/test all the other systems while I have assistance and extra hands. If I spend it all doing the two lower units. I will have to go back and do all the rest by myself heh. Also, I want to possibly put a 1" lift on the trailer, get it up off the tires just a hair more. They are probably fine, but make me nervous if I hit a bump. This is maybe not an issue, but a second set of eyes never hurt.

Anyway, I can do an oil change on the boat myself without having to get in and out of the boat over and over, maybe do that over 4th of July weekend, and get these guys to help me get the rest of the boat ready and go through a safety checklist as well.

Probably a better use of my time while I have help heh.. and.. I get to familiarize myself with the boat more and take real notes.

I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you sir!

Call me a nerd.. but I felt like a Navy snipe again.. lol.. I was laying in bed reading my yamaha manuals going, "need a yamaha certified tech for that? really? It's just an impeller!" lol

I like the price of the 100hour maint kit from simyamaha was not bad at all. I was curious if people just use 10w30 or if there were alternatives they preferred. I am fine with whatever, but many of the specs are dated and there might be a quasi synth type people have swapped to that is approved.

Going to email them and ask for an impeller/water pump kit number for a dime....

Andy at SIM is great to work with. Family business. I used to buy RingFree by the case. And LOTS of other stuff as well.
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