Tournament223 said:
Hey Guys, I'm trying to compile a list with your
1-screen name,
2-your first name,
3-year and model of your boat,
4-year and the power that you have on your boat

This list will come in handy when you have a question on your grady and need to get in touch with someone with a similiar model.

Cocoliso VI
2002 282 Sailfish
2002 F225 Yammies
Screen Name: Doc Stressor
First Name: Lee
2008 226 Seafarer
2008 F250 Yamaha

Previously Owned Gradys:
1975 204C with several differnent OMC engines
1986 226 with a 200 hp Merc
1998 Grady White Marlin
Twin 1998 Yamaha 250
Screen name: g0tagrip First name: Al (or G'rilla)
Boat: 2007 Grady White Marlin 300, Boat name: GOTAGRIP II
Engines: 2007 Yamaha 250 4 strokes
1-screen name, zimm
2-your first name, Greg
3-year and model of your boat, 2001 226 Seafarer
4-year and the power that you have on your boat 2001 Yamaha 200 SWS II (OX66)
Hello, my screen name is trapper, my name is Brian and we really enjoy our 2006 208 Adventure with the new Yamaha Inline F 200. :D :D :D :D
Boat name Lucky 13 same as screen name
Boat 265 express 2001 hull
Yamaha 225 4 strokes 2006
First name James
South Shore, MA
Screen Name: SwampGrizz
First Name: Dale
2000 228G
2000 Yamaha HPDI 200hp
Screen name - Smokymtngrady
First Name - Bob
2008 228G Seafarer
2008 F250

Secretly, I want to be Coconut (lol).....