2001 265 Express ("Rita's Dream")
2000/2001 200 HP HPDIs w/ ~1100 hrs
First name—Scott
Boat name—Scuzzy Boots
1988 24 offshore
2005 f250 Yamaha
1-screen name, Harpoon
2-your first name, Phil
3-year and model of your boat, 98 Marlin
4-year and the power that you have on your boat Twin Yam F225, 2003

I cant seem to remove the Gulf Stream from my profile.
First Name: Ted
Boat Name: Sea Hunt
2004 Gulfstream 225 Yamaha four stroke
Recoil Rob
2004 180 Sportsman
2004 Honda 150
'00 sailfish '01 OX66 200's
boats name: "Semper FIsh"
Hello my friend. I'm Donna Hiebert and I'm from Washington, USA. I love canoes and I own a Rinker BBG. Maybe I will share some pictures if you allow. Glad to participate in this contest.
Hey Guys, I'm trying to compile a list with your
1-screen name,
2-your first name,
3-year and model of your boat,
4-year and the power that you have on your boat

This list will come in handy when you have a question on your grady and need to get in touch with someone with a similiar model.
2005 330 Express
2019 Two 300hp Suzukis
Hey Guys, I'm trying to compile a list with your
1-screen name,
2-your first name,
3-year and model of your boat,
4-year and the power that you have on your boat

This list will come in handy when you have a question on your grady and need to get in touch with someone with a similiar model.
Thanks. david r. david. 2008 330 Express. town Yamaha 350s with 280 hours
1998 247 Advance
Currently re-powering to twin 2020 Yamaha 115 SHO's. Previously 1997 Yamaha 250 OX66