Posting Pictures


GreatGrady Captain
May 12, 2008
Reaction score
Gloucester, MA
One of the most often repeated phrases on this board is, "I'm having trouble posting pictures." And then there it is, A huge picture that can't be seen below. The problem isn't being able to post but the size of the posting. Most cameras today take high resolution pictures that are in the "Megabytes" range. What is needed is to reduce it to the "Kilobyte" range. Reduce the size, and I don't mean change it from an 8x10 to a 3x5. You need to open the picture in a program on your computer and "Resize" the picture so that when saved, the Electronic Size or File Size is smaller. In most cases for me (I use a 16 megapixel camera and my phone is 8 megapixels, the optimum file size should less than 100 Kilobytes. Often smaller, in the 50 kilobyte range.

For Windows users, the program "Paint" works great. Mac users, I'm sure you have a similar program.

1. Locate the picture you want to post on your computer Do not open it.
2."Right Click" on file, choose "Open With", choose "Paint"
3. At the top, after it opens, Click "Resize".
4. Default options in the box should be - "Percentage" & "Maintain Aspect Ratio"
5. Change "Horizontal" to 25 (my usual choice), "Vertical" will automatically change to match.
6. "File Save As" to replace original. RECOMMENDED!!! Don;t mess with the original.
7. Upload to Great Grady...

If when you are posting and upload a picture, do a preview to test your posting. If it is still too big, delete, resize and upload again. I always preview my postings, I have FAT FINGERS!!! Remember though, if you resize a copy of your picture and reduced it to 25%, reducing it again will be a reduction of the copy so try 80% then test post.

Hope this helps.
How does one delete an uploaded photo? My permissions tell me I'm not allowed to do that. I like to upload photos for a question, and then delete it if it is no longer useful.

No Bail said:
How does one delete an uploaded photo? My permissions tell me I'm not allowed to do that. I like to upload photos for a question, and then delete it if it is no longer useful.


If you "PREVIEW" a post and see that your picture is too big, there is a delete file button.
If you are logged in, locate the post with the uploaded file. In the upper left there is an "EDIT" button. Click on it. You should now be able to scroll down to the "DELETE FILE" button. Again, preview to ensure you've accomplished what you want then submit.

You are only allowed to edit your posts, never anyone else"s.

This should work... Never tried to delete an old pic.
Just was poking around. If you access your user control panel, there you can open "Manage Attachments", choose and delete file(s) from there.
I find it easier to use Flickr (or Photobucket) etc... and just copy the BBCode for your picture over....but to each his own :grin:
Parthery said:
I find it easier to use Flickr (or Photobucket) etc... and just copy the BBCode for your picture over....but to each his own :grin:

Yeah, I use Photobucket. I'm on a Glass Fusing board where I post pics of some of my work. Some people though either don't have/want another account and are posting ginormous file sizes that might be stressing server space for the Admin. Just thought I'd help with an alternative method.