Prop question

Per Yamaha (as printed on their Propeller boxes): Rule of thumb, at WOT, one inch of pitch makes a 200 to 300 RPM change
Brad1 said:
Per Yamaha (as printed on their Propeller boxes): Rule of thumb, at WOT, one inch of pitch makes a 200 to 300 RPM change

mfg props come in 2" differences in what's availible...that's the reason for the rpm range of's 2" of a prop shop,i reccomend pat whelen,eastern prop 609-390-0448...he will gladly educate you on the basics of props...
onslr- the 5100 is trimmed up all the way- bottom is clean- and a professional installed the motor.
The installer told me yesterday the recommended rpm range is 4700 to 5700 and the honda website says 5000-6000. The owners manual doesn't say.

grog-the old engine was a 200 yamaha ox66 with turned 5500 rpm but I can't remember what the old wheel was.
Thanks for the advice everyone.
I need to get my hands on some different props and try.
jimmy's marine service said:
Brad1 said:
Per Yamaha (as printed on their Propeller boxes): Rule of thumb, at WOT, one inch of pitch makes a 200 to 300 RPM change

mfg props come in 2" differences in what's availible...that's the reason for the rpm range of's 2" of a prop shop,i reccomend pat whelen,eastern prop 609-390-0448...he will gladly educate you on the basics of props...

While they do only offer props in 2" increments, the box still clearly states the following: "Rule of thumb, at WOT, one inch of pitch makes a 200 to 300 RPM change". That's it. Not, "Rule of thumb, at WOT, one inch of pitch makes a 200 to 300 RPM change, but we really mean two inches makes a 200 to 300 RPM change because we only offer props in 2" increments".

Perhaps Yamaha is printing incorrect information on their prop boxes. I don't know. And please understand, I'm not disputing your knowledge on the subject. I'm also sure your contact (which I thank you for by the way) could set the record straight. But just the same, the box says what the box says. That's the only point I'm trying to make.
Here's another link about props; ... e_number=8

5th paragraph down;

"Remember this rule of thumb: For every 2" of propeller pitch, rpm's will change approximately 400 rpm's. As you drop in pitch, rpm's increase, and as you go up in pitch, rpm's decrease. So if we want to raise our rpm's we should choose a lower pitch prop".

Again, imo, I think a 14 1/2, (same diameter) x 17 would do the trick. Actually, I'm kind of surprised that 19 isn't hitting top end, with a 225 on it. Going down to 15, (imo) is too low of a pitch.
fishhrd said:
onslr- the 5100 is trimmed up all the way- bottom is clean- and a professional installed the motor.
The installer told me yesterday the recommended rpm range is 4700 to 5700 and the honda website says 5000-6000. The owners manual doesn't say.

As I said previously, and someone also said, I'm very surprised you are only getting 5100 with that prop, clean bottom, trimmed up.

I would have the throttle linkage (or TPS) checked before I started looking at other props.

Yes, you might need a 17", but that still won't get you close to 6000.
The only prop that I could put my hands on today is a 141/2 by 15 so I am going to run it either today or tom to see what I need.
fishhrd, there are very few guys here with Hondas, you may also want to post a quiry at to find out who has your boat and engine or similar boat with a Honda, what's going on with props. Presuming the engine is working fine.
Buying props to try out is costly. And the local Honda dealer needs to offer a recommendation, that's his job, even if you buy or don't intend to buy squat there, and say so.
listen to me
prop it to 6150!!!
i went to dealers training
the rpm limiter kicks in around 6250!

go ahead and lug the motor