Purchase of 2002 33 Express? - Any insight appreciated


New Member
Feb 16, 2008
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I am seriously looking at a 2002 33 express with brand new twin Yamaha 250 power. I have a Dusky 256 FC and look forward to upsizing. Any thoughts on 2002 versus newer design? What to expect in ride quality? I regularly fish the canyons and want this boat to be my last purchase for a long while. Any shortcomongs I need to be aware of?
2008 is the first significant redesign of the 330. Biggest changes are:
1. stregthened transom to support 350s. 2007 and prior can not be repowered with the 350s.
2. Raised seating around the helm
3. Taller windshield
4. Teak cabinets

I have an 07 with 250s. The boat performs well with these motors -cruise in the low 30s (mph). I doubt there will be many days that will allow you to take advantage of the additional speed of the 350s when running off shore . Most of the people owners I have spoken with have been very pleased with the boat, myself included (have only had it since the endd of September though) Would suggest taking the boat for a sea trial.
MAKE SURE it has the hull recall done....2001 - 2003 boats needed an extra support put in the bow. It really is no big deal...done from the inside and you never knew they were there....GW was good about tracking down the boats and they came out and did it themselves....I'd check with the factory using the HIN....Just to be sure.......
I thought the major weight shift was to the F350 not the F250-- I think the F 250 is only a few #'s more than the F225 (which would have come on that year rig)--Obviously re-enforced transom for the F350's--
I have one really important piece of advise to offer if you do get the 33 Express....
The cockpit on that boat is really big.
Since you are from Ct, I would be more than willing to crew and help you keep everything in order when chasing the big eyes!!!! :D
I have a 2002 and it is an awesome boat. The only things I would make sure to check out are:

1. The tower legs to the hard top are they loose or leaking.

2. How is the generator holding up from a corrision stand point.

With those new engines you will be very happy for years.

Fishermanbb said:
MAKE SURE it has the hull recall done....2001 - 2003 boats needed an extra support put in the bow. It really is no big deal...done from the inside and you never knew they were there....GW was good about tracking down the boats and they came out and did it themselves....I'd check with the factory using the HIN....Just to be sure.......

any info about this recall would help I have a 2003 33grady was"t contacted hope i"am ok. when did this recall come out? any info would help befor i call grady thanks tony 33grady "SALLY ANN"
I am pretty sure you (or the current owner) can call Grady White with the hull number and they can look up the recall history. I know there was also a recall/redo for the gasket that seals the transom access door under the bench seat.\