Willy-C These are Lahontan Cutthroat TroutNiiiice fish.....landlocked salmon?
I was near your area in sept, I did get a chance to drive around Lake Tahoe but didn’t make it to Pyramid Lake. I flew in and out of Reno, my boy got married near Truckee CA. Awesome country out there. Lots of open dry land and desolate lakes.
When I lived in Austin, no interest in a boat to fish for bass n catfish on Lake Austin, but fished with guides on Lake Buchanan for Stripers, that was fun n they are good to eat!Holy Trout! Those are awesome! Yea, none that size down here.. lol
I've been tempted to try to make gravlox, any good recipes you are willing to share?Pyramid fish also make great gravlox. Like the best I've ever had. The salted roe also make outstanding caviar, but you need to collect it in December and January before the chorions (shells) get too hard.
Don't eat any big ones. They are loaded with mercury. Especially a year or two following a good water year. And don't eat Pyramid trout after mid-April. Since they can't spawn, they reabsorb their eggs and sperm and taste like crap. That's why they have a reputation for not being good to eat. They will be fine by October.
Well crap LT,Lee, not only is that lake beautiful, you’ve figured out how to pull the trout out of it. Awesome fishery. Just a bit envious.
Went out on Saturday and scratched just one keeper halibut. Had fun, but haven’t figured out the trolling with hoochies. Did find my next project though. Factory bait tank fubar. Trying to decide whether to add a bait tank or try to make existing work for anchovies. The design sucks.