Question about manual flush toilet

normally the ocean dump switch is behind a key, so I have to turn the key to on position and of course open the valve which otherwise should be closed unless over 3 miles offshore.
What a mess that would make but at least it worked so they serviced that area for you as well.
What is your concern? Is it mechanical, or mental, i.e., the thought of poop in your new boat?
1. Having to pry open that little deck portal every time to access the seacock. Do I leave the seacock open all the time or close it every time at the end of the day.
2. Trying to explain to guests how to flip the switch on the toilet to pump water in then flip it back to flush then back to the closed position...then praying they do it correctly.
3. It can't be good to suck in a bunch of salt water and just leave it in the hoses and tanks.
4. Running around all day with a load of human waste just sloshing about in my holding tank.

Mostly I'm just not real comfortable with the operation of the system. The good thing is 99% of my boating friends know the deal when on other people's boats.....if you gotta go you better be prepared to get in the water or hold it. And no dumps, period. For the most part the ladies are pretty sporty and usually don't mind hanging off the transom to take care of business.
Sounds like you have it worked out with your crew/friends. the way the heads used to be was to pump it right out no tanks as intermediaries but that's not allowed anymore and on the lakes they are really picky about disabling all macerated pump out systems and only allow marina pump out stations.

Not the end of the world to use a bucket or jump in the water, some females may not think it is a camping trip when getting onboard.

Not a big issue overall in my books.
You have a head, don't be afraid to use it. Thats whats it there for. Open the through hull for the raw water for the first use and then close it at the end of the day. It looks like you have a 23 ft bowrider, with a head in one of the consoles. Do you have enough room to store water in there and use the head? I just see pouring water into a bowl in a small area multiple times by guests a mess waiting to happen all while on a rocking boat. Every guest/crew member that I have explained how to use a head too has always used it as instructed, including kids. My only problem from a guest was from a wipe, which have since then been on the banned list.

As far as pump outs go, when you fuel up, always pump out. I usually do this while pumping. Also ask for a hose and fill the tank with water to flush it and then pump that out. I don't know where you boat, but around us they have a pumpout service which will come to you on the water for a pumpout(no charge). They also will come to your boat on the dock and pump you out too. My dock mate does this during the week, so the tank is empty for the weekend. Look into this service or a similar one in your area. If you go offshore just dump it out there. Use the chemicals and marine/rv paper. You can drive around all day with stuff in the tank and never know.
The way the rule was explained to me, the language addresses equipment and discharge zones, but not bodily functions. Once you use a bucket, it becomes an MSD.
That's the way it was explained to me too.

I was also pretty much shocked to hear that your lady passengers didn't have an issue hanging off the transom!
Freedom, given your concerns, possibly the best option for your boat is to simply Buy one of these, and at the end of the day, remove the holding tank (bottom section), and take it up to the house and empty it in the toilet.