question for 222 owners, or anyone who might know


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
LI, New York
i recently purchased an '03 222 fisherman, it does not have a livewell. I talked with the dealer who i am purchasing through. They could not get the grady white factory livewell insert for under the lean post.

a livewell is a MUST for me so i wanted opinions or ideas on what to do. I'm trying to avoid a free standing livewell in the middle of the cockpit, it takes up space and the hoses are a pain.

I was thinking of taking out the bulk storage in the lean post and putting a livewell in that area as if it were factory installed. Does anybody know the dimensions of that area or would a 222 owner be nice enough to go measure it on there boat for me.

I need how deep it is, height and the width or length of the lean post storage area. I'm hoping i could fit a 30 gallon in there.

Anyway, all idaes are appreciated and welcomed

My '99 has a 27 gallon livewell under the seat in front of the center console. Yours should as well. I've been told it's not big enough for serious live bait fishing but I troll more than anything so it's going to be fine for me.
live well

I Have a 222 with all the options if you still need the dimensions let me know I will photo and send if you want :D
Also just finnished a bait table I will send you pics as well
"Trust Me"
Brisbane Australia
Rule of thumb for livewells and live bait, is 1 gal per fish if it is bunker, if it is something half that size, you may get 2 fish per gallon, never overfill a livewell or your bait will end up dead. Also, since you are doing this install now, make sure you have a high output pump, some boats use just bilge pumps in reverse, they do not work well enough if you fish live bait enough. Also, if you do this enough, you may want a macerator pump on the pump out end, it is not a necessity, but I would recommend one to chew up the scales and get them through your lines instead of clogging them. That is soley up to you and what you feel you need. I live bait fish with bunker when I Striped Bass fish. My livewell is 60gal and should have had a macerator but does not, that is something I plan to add when I have the time. You could also have one molded forward of the helm console like another has mentioned his boat has. This seems like an area with the space for a big enough livewell for what you seem to need.
Thanks for all the input fellas.

#1 the 2003 model does not have the livewell in front of the console. I think they stopped doing that in 2000 on the 222. The factory option is under the lean post however the previous owner did not have this option installed.

#2 gradyfish - I like the idea of a macerator, didn't think of it but probably would be a good idea if i run the hoses under the deck. Also, the 222 has a seat molded into the console in the front, how could i turn that into a livewell, any ideas? Also if i put the livewell there i'd have to figure out where to run the hoses under the deck. I was thinking of putting the livewell under the lean post and having an output hose flow over the transom.

The boat has a raw water washdown. I was thinking of changing that pump and hooking up the livewell to that with a y valve.

I'd love to figure out how to run the hoses under the boat so as to not have to avoid them while fishing, especially when a nice bass is on the line. Would i have to put another thru hull for an overboard drain?

I'm open to all ideas and suggestions guys. I have to get a livewell on the boat as it's a must for my type of fishing.

Trust me, i'd appreciate it if you could get me the dimensions of the lean bar and the livewell so i know what i'm working with. Also, any pictures would be appreciated; I'd love to see the bait table. Send to
I wish Grady White would turn that front seat into an ice chest or storage like some of the other manufacturers do.
I am not familar with your model of grady, but here in australia we retrofit a lot of live bait tanks to the stern/transom platform of boats using custom made plastic or fiberglass tanks or just large plastic containers with a high output bilgepump mounted on a stainless L shaped bracket on the transom. If the tank is outboard mounted it can be allowed to overflow continuosly. Its simple, cheap, no hoses inboard, safe ( if the boat is bouyant enough at the stern, given the added weight) and keeps the bait near where you catch it and use it......