Rate this deal**MY BOAT SEARCH THREAD**

I think this highlights how hard it it to shop for a used boat. Some people just go out and buy the first one they see but others analyze every detail and it can get painful.

That being said, if it were me I'd offer 71.5k for the '05. When you get that close there's always some middle ground if the guy wants to sell his boat.
Ed Bukala said:
I have read this discussion with great interest. I am a true believer that there comes a point that you can get "analysis paralysis". You have to do your homework but if you become so fearful of not getting the "perfect deal" you will never find the boat you want.

My point exactly...
OX 66's

Not as bad as they have been made out to be on this thread. I just purchased (last November) an '01 w/ twin 225 OX 66's. They are one of THE most reliable motors ever produced. Yes, you need to burn oil, yes they smoke because of it, and yes they are louder. I get 1.5, 1.6, or an occassional 1.7 mi/gallon running them. I don't know the real world numbers on 4 strokes, but doubt they are too much better (definitely not 30% as stated). I decided on my deal because the money saved on the front end was much greater than the money I will ever spend on oil and the slightly less efficient fuel burn. That being said, it seems you are in a price range and want a nice enough boat that something newer than '01 w/ four strokes is your market anyway. I agree that after spending 70K of your own money, 1.5 shouldn't stop you from the deal. If you are patient and don't "have" to be in a boat immediately, then better deals are out there and more are just around the corner. Put a price tag on boating for the rest of this summer.
May be the case but $1500 loss to sell a boat you have had for sale for a year is not bad. Maybe I am being petty but I will have to pay close to 3% sales tax as well. Would be getting close to $75K.
Re: OX 66's

georgemjr said:
Not as bad as they have been made out to be on this thread. I just purchased (last November) an '01 w/ twin 225 OX 66's. They are one of THE most reliable motors ever produced. Yes, you need to burn oil, yes they smoke because of it, and yes they are louder. I get 1.5, 1.6, or an occassional 1.7 mi/gallon running them. I don't know the real world numbers on 4 strokes, but doubt they are too much better (definitely not 30% as stated). I decided on my deal because the money saved on the front end was much greater than the money I will ever spend on oil and the slightly less efficient fuel burn. That being said, it seems you are in a price range and want a nice enough boat that something newer than '01 w/ four strokes is your market anyway. I agree that after spending 70K of your own money, 1.5 shouldn't stop you from the deal. If you are patient and don't "have" to be in a boat immediately, then better deals are out there and more are just around the corner. Put a price tag on boating for the rest of this summer.

Thanks for your input. The Grady test on the Yamaha F225s has it at 1.7 at cruise. I thought the fuel consumption was overblown on the 225 EFIs. You are getting some great economy with those motors. The guy said he gets 1.4 to 1.5 with his setup on the 01'. The only reason I was considering that 01' was it's condition. The damn thing is mint.
Bama, you are happening to come across sellers who really don't want to sell at such prices in the market.
Any boat for sale that sits too long, is overpriced, end of story, same for house, car, bicycle at tag sale, you name it. Move on to next seller, you will find one who actually wants the boat gone.

You are under time pressure from the Admiral to purchase, you may not want to continue shopping this way - it is not good.

Have you tried your local and backup Grady dealers? They get a lot of brokered gradys to sell, and you don't have to deal with any owners directly BSing you. You will pay more but get what you want sooner I bet, since the Admiral is more time focused vs. getting the right boat at the right price. You don't want any regrets later.

As far as two strokes or 4 strokes, has nothing to do with fuel consumption, you are looking at a point in time when transitioning from non-DI 2 strokes to 4 strokes occurred, so the value of the boat weights heavily, I would say the value of the non-DI 2 strokes is at least 50% -75% less than F225s or HPDIs at that time, so the overall price shoild reflect it

Also, if you want 4 strokes, don't get non-DI two strokes unless you figure $35K for repowering, you don't want to hear the Admiral complaining why your boat smokes and others don't, and the only way to shut that up it is by blowing $35K more.

At this point in time, you may have exhausted everything available for sale, either extend your range or continue to monitor market for new sellers to arrive, there will be more, financial crisis continues in USA, may even be worsening, unemployment rate on LI continues to rise.
By the way, ask any sellers for copies of the last three years of motor maintenance, make sure you see water pumps, lower unit fluid changes, Tstats, plugs, etc..

You can ask for more years but the custom is the last three years kept minimum.

If owner is a DIYer, he should produce similar record, could be hand written file, and parts receipts.
This thread is so interesting considering the players involved- Bamas experience mirrored mine last year when trying to buy a 22 GW including his! After ridiculous negotiations regarding the value of his MINT 22 and finally an agreed upon price/deal- he decides that he wants the electronics off the boat and he will swap them with some other stuff.

Well, it did not take long to walk from that deal and now 7 months later his boat finally sold - and now all sellers are unrealistic, nonnegotiable, and ridiculous.

What goes around comes around!
armauro said:
This thread is so interesting considering the players involved- Bamas experience mirrored mine last year when trying to buy a 22 GW including his! After ridiculous negotiations regarding the value of his MINT 22 and finally an agreed upon price/deal- he decides that he wants the electronics off the boat and he will swap them with some other stuff.

Well, it did not take long to walk from that deal and now 7 months later his boat finally sold - and now all sellers are unrealistic, nonnegotiable, and ridiculous.

What goes around comes around!
lol this is funny.
armauro said:
This thread is so interesting considering the players involved- Bamas experience mirrored mine last year when trying to buy a 22 GW including his! After ridiculous negotiations regarding the value of his MINT 22 and finally an agreed upon price/deal- he decides that he wants the electronics off the boat and he will swap them with some other stuff.

Well, it did not take long to walk from that deal and now 7 months later his boat finally sold - and now all sellers are unrealistic, nonnegotiable, and ridiculous.

What goes around comes around!

Yes and your price is unrealistice on your Sailfish too! LOL. You are now seeing all the tire kickers and dreamers who have no intention of buying squat. Funny how we have changed sides armauro. By the way you were trying to steal my boat. :lol: I guess you better be careful what you say on here it might come back to get you. :shock:
Guys, he or anyone else can buy a boat today.
Just agree and pay the asking price, not much more to discuss.

Any seller on the other hand can sell with the next call received, same thing. If the seller is top heavy on a 15 yr loan and has to pull out $30K to sell his boat for $70K to clear the bank lean, I guess he's sucking wind and not selling squat. What's the magic here?

Bama doesn't want to pay enough to close the gap with seller, so a deal doesn't happen. Is that bad? Someone else wil buy the boats he's passing up.

I know some people who are always searching for their next boat, as soon as they acquire one. May take them years to find what they want next.

I don't understand why there is all this fuss.

If anyone has bought or sold used cars and boats, what goes on here is all part of it, welcomed or not. That's why brokers exist, in part, but have to deal with their crap too.

Buying and selling should be a lot easer than what it is, agreed. It isn't always.
This thread makes me wonder about the strategy of finding, negotiating, and buying a boat on a forum. Particularly if both parties partcipate in the forum. But even if one just lurks behind the scene, it could seriously slant the transaction.

For instance in this case, both sellers would be aware of Bama96's choices and would know that he is considering other boats. They would also know he is a serious cash buyer. All things that should motivate a seller.

On the other hand they could also know if he prefers one boat over another and what his budget for purchase is. They also know his motivations. Too much information could work against him.

Just watching this thread makes me feel like if and when I get in the market for a boat I would keep the dealings off the forum. I would use the forum for advice on models and engines and other generic information. What do you guys think? Is too much info a bad thing?
Maybe but if they knew about this forum I would have to think the seller would have his boat listed here. Then you have to be careful. Agreed. Maybe one of you is the seller who knows. You guys may be screwing with me. :P On a serious note I look to you on this forum for advice and guidance. There is a wealth of knowledge on here and I really appreciate your input. This makes it fun. 8)
As an ex trader from wall street I adjust prices to the market as I see and feel it- My boat started at 89 and now can be bought for 75 which is a deal compared to what you are paying for 03 and 05s-or compared to any other 282 on the net-losing $$ on toys does not affect me- these are not investments.

Your 22 boat in Dec was worth 45- fair price not a steal and that is what I offered to pay-plain and simple- that was not stealing it! but removing the electronics after the deal and then saying that I was just a tire kicker-
You should get REAL! I believe you and your buddies called me a poser at the time!
Bob's Cay, whenever I sell a boat or car, I want it sold and gone now, don't want to see it again, since I have the new woman to plauy with.

But I don't say nor act that way, i.e. "I don't use the garage anyway, boat can stay in driveway forever."

I actually used this line several times. I've even told buyers who said they were really looking for a different model but would take mine at a cut price,(how true is that line), I wouldnt sell it to them because I don't want to see them unhappy, actually made teh buyer more interested and backed down from the cut attempt.

Point is about game plan, or should I say hidden plan, so it doesn't matter to me.

In this case if I was looking to sell and had what bama is looking for, I would be getting in touch with Bama now, if it turns out he wants to deal fine, if he is full of it, then no deal, either way, free advertising and more contacts lead to more contacts, and not much time wasted.

The more people you meet and deal with in a transaction, the more you learn how to negotiate.
armauro said:
As an ex trader from wall street I adjust prices to the market as I see and feel it- My boat started at 89 and now can be bought for 75 which is a deal compared to what you are paying for 03 and 05s-or compared to any other 282 on the net-losing $$ on toys does not affect me- these are not investments.

Your 22 boat in Dec was worth 45- fair price not a steal and that is what I offered to pay-plain and simple- that was not stealing it! but removing the electronics after the deal and then saying that I was just a tire kicker-
You should get REAL! I believe you and your buddies called me a poser at the time!

What the heck are you talking about armauro? That is water under the bridge. You were looking at 222's and you bought a 282 Sailfish? Come on now. You really didn't know what you wanted you just wanted a deal. And I really was unsure at the time if I wanted to sell. At least at this point I know what boat I want. I was kidding about the stealing part. You are taking me too serious. Your offer was fair at the time. Chill out and have a beer it's all good. :D
Bama, good luck with the search. I've been pleased with the 222 so far and I updated the E80 with the new software. I just called raymarine and they sent me an update chip for free. I even got the navionics platinum plus chip for $255 when most places wanted $500.