ready, set, ......


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
saratoga, ca
..... go!

tomorrow i take a television film crew out on the water. these guys are working on a tv special on "emerging technologies" and are looking at thermal imaging cameras. they already did an interview with the president of flir, shot some footage with a law enforcement unit, and were looking at marine applications. flir referred these guys to johnson/hicks, and galen at johnson/hicks referred them to me.

so i spent the last two days going through the boat. it's all hooked up and ready to go.


the fuel tanks were already topped off with fuel (at $3.00 per gallon) from last year. i ran the engines with the mufflers attached. they started up on the second or third crank. love those yamahas!


the batteries were topped off and i went through all of the electronics. most of it looks vaguely familiar.


the flir camera is hooked up to a dvd player hanging from the radio box. it swivels (galens idea) and provides a very nice image.


i went through all of the pfd's and replaced the cyalume light sticks and the batteries from the strobes. the hand held flares remain vacuum packed and should do fine. two of the pfd's have a hand held vhf radio and a waterproof gps. i just added a lift raft in the cabin, but if the boat were to suddenly roll, the radio and gps are my last resort.


and here's what they're coming to see. it's pricey, but it's amazing being able to see in the dark! we launch at 0300. film at 11!

cool Alan!

one thing about the thermal cameras, is that it gives a surface temp not an internal temp

i almost bought a fluke one to do surveys on boats
I'm a Captain with the Harrods Creek Fire Dept, a suburb of Louisville. We have had a Thermal Imaging camera on our Zodiac Pilot House fire boat on the Ohio River for ~6 years. It is one of the best peices of equipment on the boat. Have fun tomorrow night. The fire service has been using thermal imaging cameras for quite some time now and they are truly remarkable. Our biggest problem is to not get too dependent on them. It's kind of like becoming too reliant on GPS and forgetting how to plot courses.
That is one amazing rig for a GW 258. I don't even want to think how you would rig a boat like my Marlin, or my gosh, a 360. :D

I did see a 360 being rigged and it had a sat rvc and video interface to the Navnets. The fellow wanted to watch sports on the way to the stream.

...and folks think I have lots of toys. Just wait until Megabytes 3. :lol:
I'm Curious,

What is the plate on the picture in front of the engines? It looks like it is on hydraulic cylinders

I have done business with Galen for years, hes a great guy. In fact I called for him yesterday and found out that his at the Long Beach Boat Show!! I wish I was there! Best of luck to you on your trip. Looks like your all set! Very Nice Boat.
yup, it's just a cutting board, only with two supports instead of one. and the props are stainless. wouldn't have it any other way.

anyway, whew, what a morning! i started off with my feet on the dock, over the ramp, both hands on the truck and the door slammed on my left hand. jesus, that hurt!!!!! i tried to pull my hand out, no luck. i reached up and thank god the door did not lock. nothing felt busted, so i finished launching the boat and parked the truck. i fired everything up and then my crew arrived. meet richard hart (formerly of evening magazine with jan yanahiro) and steve the camera man!


i got them suited up. got thier video gear hooked up and they were ready to roll.




i had richard driving most of the time, they got all the video they needed and we called it a day. breakfast at ketch joanne's was great!




oh, and i can type, so i guess nothings busted. still hurts like hell, though.

what no fishing?? lol I remember Richard Hart from a long time ago, I hope your hand is ok. I bet you were in a hurry because you thought you were going Tuna :D
alantani said:
yup, it's just a cutting board, only with two supports instead of one. and the props are stainless. wouldn't have it any other way.

anyway, whew, what a morning! i started off with my feet on the dock, over the ramp, both hands on the truck and the door slammed on my left hand. jesus, that hurt!!!!! i tried to pull my hand out, no luck. i reached up and thank god the door did not lock. nothing felt busted, so i finished launching the boat and parked the truck. i fired everything up and then my crew arrived. meet richard hart (formerly of evening magazine with jan yanahiro) and steve the camera man!


i got them suited up. got thier video gear hooked up and they were ready to roll.




i had richard driving most of the time, they got all the video they needed and we called it a day. breakfast at ketch joanne's was great!




oh, and i can type, so i guess nothings busted. still hurts like hell, though.

Sorry, my bad. The props just looked black in the picture!
Great story (except for the hand - ouch)!!! I also own a 258 and am planning on moving my garmin 3210 from the overhead box to the helm area. What is the material that you used to flush mount the furuno?


call galen at (415) 331-3166. he's the guy that did the installation. it's some sort of black plastic material that they cut to size, then route the corners and polish. they glue a felt material to the back, put a big bolt through the middle and it becomes a swivel base. the dvd player swivels, as well as the fishfinder. the 1934 display is mounted to this type of material cut as a flush mount bracket. very clean installation. work like this is clearly beyond my pay grade.

the finger started to swell pretty badly that night and got a little dusky, so i had to cut off the ring. still hurts like hell, but at least the x-rays were negative. alan

I was going to ask you about the ring after ther firs pic. Looks painful.

The new titanium wedding bands are nuts. Not every small town doc or EMS can get those off quickly if needed. I've hung my band before and it hurts to catch your body weight by a ring finger. I don't wear mine most of the time now. Looks like your gold came off without too much effort.

The boat equipment is incredible. Any problem getting your insurance limits bumped up for the additions?

Hopefully FLIR will become less expensive in the future and as prevelant as GPS is now. But the downside is you may have more boats running too fast in the dark.