Removing passenger seat in backs 330 express


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2019
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Falmouth MA
Express 330
New to me 2007 330 express, has thumb screw at rear most point of windshield. It appears to be tied into curved seat backs.
question is if I remove screw does that whole seat slide up off mounts? Any ideas?

Yes, remove the screw and pull up on the entire seat back. There are two posts that have spring loaded balls that hold them in. Sometimes they may be a little sticky to get up and out. Lube them when you put them back in. Makes it easy to clean around.
Great I was hoping that was the case. One of the post has cracked the fiberglass, probably from people leaning or falling on it. Want to remove an repair.
I am not positive but I *THINK* the posts look like these, where you really gotta squeeze your hand in there and feel around for the release, then wiggle back and forth as you pull upwards. Pushing inward on the exposed nub pushes the hidden nub (which is mated to a hole in the side of the socket) inward as well.

After thinking on this for a while I realize that maybe mine were so out of whack the one time I removed them that I could feel the nub that was supposed to be in the socket. In either case, persistence will remove. And yes, undo the screw holding them to the sides first. :)
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Thx great info, I would have not figured it out otherwise. Lot of new things for me to learn on this boat. My 265 did not have so many systems.
Thx great info, I would have not figured it out otherwise. Lot of new things for me to learn on this boat. My 265 did not have so many systems.

Feel free to ask, I've managed to disassemble about half my 330 over the last couple of months, and I think between a handful of other folks on here we've probably got the whole thing covered. :)

Luckily I'm working from home these days, since it seems like I've always got fiberglass scars on my arms now. LOL
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Yes exactly. Over the past several years, I have explored every area of my grady 330 and upgraded stuff!
Going over my 2002 330 GW in detail at the moment. How do you remove the side bolsters from the helm and cockpit areas?

Sea Dragon
There are phillips head screws that are accessible thru the grommets in the bottom of the bolsters. Not easy to locate and you have to feel around and push in on the mesh on the bottom to find them. I don't like the mounting method at all. Scout has SS tabs that stick down slightly so you can get to them.
Great thanks, want to get at the access ports on the stbd side helm area to try and track down a water leak that shows up in the cabinet in the head. and remove the cockpit bolsters for cleaning and drying.
My cockpit bolsters (2003 330) had both SS tabs and the screws through the grommets. After I had the bolsters re-done, I didn't replace the screws and found them easier to remove/clean with the tabs.
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I've also not replaced the screws after removing a bunch of bolsters for cleaning and refinishing with SEM vinyl paint. I figure if they move around too much I can put them back.

re: leak into the head, you might be getting water in under the rub rail at the deck to cap joint. I had to reseal mine because I was getting water in a bit further aft.
2015 330 express.Anyone know how to remove starboard seat back? Looks like posts have threaded bolts welded to posts. My threaded studs broke of and trying to figure out how to get seat off the posts. Attached is underside of post inside live well.


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Following. I have the exact same issue.
Give me a call. 215-490-3927. I figured it out