Repair holes in hardtop


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2020
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Anyone have some insight on how to properly repair holes in a hardtop? I’m replacing the radar and I have four 3/8” holes that need to be filled. They will be hidden under the dome so they don’t have to be perfect, I just don’t want water intrusion issues later on. Thanks.
with a die grinder , grind out around the holes, then with fiberglass mat put on 4 or 5 layers small torn pieces . sand flat the cover with fiberglass fill, sand and cover with gel coat, Matching the color is hard, I use white and add a drop or two of brown. I was told GW sells gelcoat that matches, you can try to find that. then do the same on the under side.
You can also fill with MarineTex and then cover over with gelcoat (get a small bottle at your dealer or any marine store).
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If they wont be seen and wont interfere with the new mount, just use SS bolts, trim washers and nuts with a good dab of 4200 in the holes and on the bolts. If you size the bolts accurately, you can use dome cap nuts with flat washers underneath for a cleaner look. Repairs will be a lot less work than glassing, patching and/or gelcoating
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Tape the bottom of the holes, fill with epoxy or marinetex from the top, use a piece of cardboard or something to flatten and make it smooth. Marinetex is sandable after drying. Easy
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I wouldn't use 4200 though. it discolors badly. Use 4000uv or just good exterior silicone
Point taken. But in general , none should show. The squeeze out would be wiped off. The 4200 is there primarily to seal the hole and preclude moisture getting under the hardware causing rusting
Thanks guys. I’m going to try using marinetex tomorrow. Let’s see how it goes.
Thanks guys. I’m going to try using marinetex tomorrow. Let’s see how it goes.
Dries fast in the sun so don’t spend too much time before getting to all the holes. Fill them all first then use cardboard or a plastic scraper to spread it/fair it. First time I did it hardened in the cup and I had to buy more
Nobody will see it up there anyway. Just ensure you have it sealed well to eliminate risk of water intrusion.