I can't specifically speak to your year and model, but can tell you about my sender fix: '06 33 express. I had to change out my main tank sender, did so with the OEM unit, purchased from CT. It was just the inside resistor, did not require taking out the sender. I also ordered the Aux tank sender (complete unit) from WEMA. The complete unit was the same price as just the insert (before the 30% off!), and was shipped same day, received much quicker. The OEM required a follow up phone call after not receiving it for a week, to which the guy said he could get it out that day (they obviously hadn't bothered to fill the order til I busted their chops). Anyway both work great and shouldn't require any calibration of the gauge, however, somewhere along the line, my gauge setting had been changed and I had to change it back. My gauge has 3 settings US, Euro, and Yamaha. It was set to Yamaha which would only show half full. I switched it back to US (as per Yamaha tech support) and it functions perfect now. There is no calibration available and settings should not have to be changed. I think I inadvertendly changed it while "customizing" the gauge.