I replaced the fill hoses on my 89 Gulfstream. Obviously you will have to pull the deck(s) above the tank(s) for access. The old hose is probably siliconed right where the hose goes through a stringer/bulkhead. There may even be a plastic zip tie or two on the opposite side of the stringer/bulkhead which may be very difficult to access to cut the hose loose. The hose will be bent in there and you may find it very difficult to pull out the hose in one piece. And, you may have to cut an access port in the side of the gunwhale beside the filler ports.
1) I cut an access hole beside the filler ports to unbolt the filler and remove the hose. A tempress or beckson plate is used to cover the hole. I cut the round hole abeam the filler port with a roto zip... be careful you don't nick anything else inside the gunwhale.
2) After I detached the hose from the tank end, I cut the filler hose where it came out of the stringer. You can suck a cord down through the hose with a vacume cleaner if you need a pull through line. Tie the end of the line to something in the fuel tank bay.
3) After you unbolt the fill nozzle, you can pull the rest of the hose out through the gunwhale... this may require another person working through an access plate abeam the fuel tank compartment.
4) While my fill hoses were out, they exposed the Stbd side midships thru hull hoses. This might be a good time to replace thru hulls there if you haven't already.
5) While the fuel tank covering boards are off, you will probably want to replace the fuel lines to the motors also, since they are easily accessible.
6) The new hoses were relatively easy for me to get back in since they are much more pliable than the originals.
Good luck.