Replacing horn on 2003 228 get it down pat after a while...I've replaced my horn 4 times over the years and the current one is on it's last legs now.
You would think an item designed FOR MARINE USE would not rust away after a couple of years, no?

Recently installed set number 5 (or is it 6? losing track)....went with the more expensive Stainless Steel version this time, maybe it will last longer?...
Usually once or twice a season, my horn gets laryngitis. I give it a few wacks and it clears up EXCEPT at the end of last season. So it's on my list of things to look at. Sometimes I can get it operational by opening the cover and playing with the vibrator adjuster screw.
Yes it is stainless on the outside! Problem is that the internals are not:)
Following along here, bought a 228 two months ago (love it) and working on a few projects, including a broken horn. Bought a new Ongaro, removed old horn and pulled wires. I must've got a little over-excited when the first butt connector came through because when I went to tug the second set gave way. I want to pause here and surmise that the horn was functioning and the second butt connectors were already detached but deep down I know that I somehow pulled them out.

So... What do we think the odds are that I can fish the old butt connectors out somehow? I ran a fish tape in and rooted around to no avail. Needle nose pliers? Anyone else have this problem. Quite frustrated.
I haven’t done this yet but I thought I could access the horn from the cuddy underneath. I believe there are 3 cutouts with screws. 2 are for the wipers and I thought the 3rd was for access to the horn.

Maybe I’m making this up as I’m not by the boat, but I thought there was 3.
Following along here, bought a 228 two months ago (love it) and working on a few projects, including a broken horn. Bought a new Ongaro, removed old horn and pulled wires. I must've got a little over-excited when the first butt connector came through because when I went to tug the second set gave way. I want to pause here and surmise that the horn was functioning and the second butt connectors were already detached but deep down I know that I somehow pulled them out.

So... What do we think the odds are that I can fish the old butt connectors out somehow? I ran a fish tape in and rooted around to no avail. Needle nose pliers? Anyone else have this problem. Quite frustrated.
If you have one wire extending out where the horn mounts can you use that wire to pull two new wires through? I don't know the routing on your boat but you should be able to find it. Or just route wires on a new path to the switch and leave the old ones there.
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Thanks. I’ve ordered some long nose hemostats and will report back on progress!
Okay, I spent some more time at it this weekend. Learned a couple of things: first the wires to the windshield wiper route through the same cavity. In fishing around I've managed to pull all three wires (a narrower gauge) going to the wiper. No luck on the wire I need to the horn.
Next step I removed the interior casing that houses the windshield wiper, but it's quite far away from the horn. I did manage to shine a flashlight into the hole from the removed horn and thought I saw a black wire with some electrical tape on it, unattached. In reaching in, I used a fish tape to try to push it back toward the hole. Still no joy.
Thinking I will try to remove the windshield wiper motor to get better access into the hole, is this difficult to do? Will report back on how that goes....
All for a horn! ugh.
I had to re-wire a new horn once and as I recall, I needed to remove the windshield wiper motor. I remember what a PITA it was getting the wiper range set up correctly. The new horn failed after about 6 months. :confused:
Okay. Got it! Advice for next time:
1. Be careful when pulling wires out in the first place. Saves significant time.
2. Opening the small access panel inside behind the windshield motor is useful.
3. Use an electricians fish tape to push what you see cables wise back toward the horn opening.
4. Use medical hemostats to fish the cable out when you see it and when you have it through, clamp it so you don’t lose again…
My 04 228 horn stopped working and actually today the horn sounded three times and then stopped. I think the switch at the panel is bad and wonder if a squirt of wd40 or electric starter spray will work.

any advice appreciated

For all of you that insist on replacing the horn..... use spade connectors. Covered male and female connectors that you can reuse. Never snip wires on the boat side sgain. Just crimp new spade connectors to the new horn.
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Those horns suck. They seem to break every 5-7 years. You'd think someone would have designed a better plug and play one by now. GW should ensure access for replacement. Its a safety issue and make it as easy as possible for the customer to maintain their boats.
Those horns suck. They seem to break every 5-7 years. You'd think someone would have designed a better plug and play one by now. GW should ensure access for replacement. Its a safety issue and make it as easy as possible for the customer to maintain their boats.
I agree. Replaced mine a few years back. Failed last year. Finally went with a different style. Single trumpet horn on the roof of the hardtop. Friggin loud! We’ll see how long it lasts but easier to replace down the road.