Repower 330

I Repower end my 2001 330 with 300 Yamahas and have had zero issues. This is the 4th season and I love these motors. We redid the transom with Coosa board and installed the updated bang plate. I also replaced the gauges with the new LCD screen. Had new wire Marine make all new panels. Boat jumps out of the water and wants to run at 28-30 all day.


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Replacement ECUs are expensive ($1200-2700 each). I dont want to get "dinged" for advertising but we include flashing back to stock at any time for free (you just pay shipping). I can confirm that the YDS software used by Yam dealers cannot see that the ECU is tuned or that it was tuned (after being flashed back to stock). You do need to "prop" to stay below 6200 RPMs though (the factory limit - some of the NizPro tunes raise the RPM limit). The only "real" risk is that Yamaha corporate requests the ECU in a major warranty claim. The tune for the 200 to 231hp is a nice bump in power (hp and torque are increased across nearly the entire power band NOT just at higher RPMs). and the fuel savings is huge - we are seeing an average of 12-15% across the cruising/fast cruise RPMs. If you are interested in pricing (DIY kits or send us your ECU) please email us. We flash Yamahas all over the country every week. We discount off retail prices and we always include free roundtrip fully insured shipping of your ECU.


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I Repower end my 2001 330 with 300 Yamahas and have had zero issues. This is the 4th season and I love these motors. We redid the transom with Coosa board and installed the updated bang plate. I also replaced the gauges with the new LCD screen. Had new wire Marine make all new panels. Boat jumps out of the water and wants to run at 28-30 all day.
Exactly. The tune of the 300s to 332hp is actually a real bump in power. Not as large as tuning the 250 to 332 but still a real bump. The big advantage to tuning the 300s is fuel savings - we are seeing average fuel economy gains of 10-12% and in some cases up to 18-20% at certain fast cruising RPMS - the gains are there on singles, twins, trips and even quads (freeman cat). Retail price is $899 per motor to tune for all but the V-8s. DIY kits are available as well. We discount and ship all over the country.
HI GUYS, My buddy repowed his 33 express with 350 Suzuki 4 years ago , has close to 1000 hours and many trips to the Bahamas no problems. The dealer has no problem removing my 300s and installing 350s, we also installed smart rails on both 33s ,better control faster lift, ill try to post pic.his hull is 2002.
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HI GUYS, My buddy repowed his 33 express with 350 Suzuki 4 years ago , has close to 1000 hours and many trips to the Bahamas no problems. The dealer has no problem removing my 300s and installing 350s, we also installed smart rails on both 33s ,better control faster lift, ill try to post pic.his hull is 2002.
I am definitely not suggesting that the NizPro tune and re-propping is going to come close to the gains you can get from re-powering but with the tune and the right props (NOT SWSII) we can deliver up to 20% better fuel economy. We have been working exclusively with Ken at Prop Gods for about a year and we have blown away tons of owners with incredible gains on the 300s and 350s (twins, triples and quads) at a fraction of the repower cost.
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speaking of insurance...when I repowered my 2004, I asked to have the agreed value increased and had to provide the paperwork for the engines. At that point, they asked about the Hp increase and wanted to see the boat was rated for it. I provided a copy of the sales literature off the grady website and that was enough.
speaking of insurance...when I repowered my 2004, I asked to have the agreed value increased and had to provide the paperwork for the engines. At that point, they asked about the Hp increase and wanted to see the boat was rated for it. I provided a copy of the sales literature off the grady website and that was enough.
I repowered my 2002 with Suzuki 250AP in 2021. Originally I had ordered 300AP (installing dealer had no problem with the upgrade) but based on the suggestion of a friend I checked with insurance company (Progressive) to make sure they were ok with it.

Following is the response from insurance agent
“Hi Jeff,
Progressive back to me, they advised that if you were to the hp exceeds the vessel rating of 500 hp, they would unfortunately have to cancel the policy, you can with the 250 hp engines.

Thank you,
Pete Fox
Account Representative
Gallagher Charter Lakes”

In discussion with the agent he had the following comments regarding checking with other carriers.
- Get the authorization from insurance company in writing, verbal authorization isn’t worth crap when it comes to a claim
- Even with written authorization, you may be tied to that company through any and all annual increases as you may not find another company willing to write the policy.

I realize there are a lot of if’s in my response but insurance companies throw a bunch of obstacles at any claim. I didn’t want to add one that could potentially void any claim. Total loss of the value of my boat would be a major hit to my wallet.
How was the performance with the F250s, were you unhappy with top end, getting out of the hole or mileage? Personally I'd put them back on but you could always go with the 300s if you want a little more pop. Personally, I'm not into setting speed records (if I was I wouldn't own a tank like a GW) so the F250s would be the choice.
How was the performance with the F250s, were you unhappy with top end, getting out of the hole or mileage? Personally I'd put them back on but you could always go with the 300s if you want a little more pop. Personally, I'm not into setting speed records (if I was I wouldn't own a tank like a GW) so
the F250s would be the choice.
I actually replaced the original 225hp Yamahas with the 250hp Suzukis. Like you speed is not my top priority, comfort is much more important to me & I bought the boat in 2011 with 450 hours on them. I then put an additional 1,000+ hours on them.

The 225s cruised 25-28 mph at 4500 rpm getting .7-1.0 mpg with a top end of 32 mph whereas the 250s cruise 28-32 mph at 4500 rpm getting 1.0-1.2 mpg & top end of 35 mph. I rarely fish further than 55 miles offshore.

To put it in perspective, I’m 83 yo & I don’t have anything to do but play - going 20 mph faster isn’t going to accomplish anything for me
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Thats sounds as it was a well worth upgrade!

Even when I was 35 and had my brand new 48 knot Boston Whaler i rarely went more than 34 knots.
Maybe because I grew up on sail boats, but I never enjoy speeding and I think it's a personal attitude not a question of age.

Congratulation for your Express 330, just was checking a 2006 with twin F300 last Friday and was impressed.
Could not sea trial as we get slammed by very strong winds, so no fuel + speed numbers

Was down at the boat last week, and took a few updated pictures of the helm area. Elected to go with new gauges, rather than the screen. Boatyard left one original gauge in place, thinking it looked better. For now, it works for me, but I may follow suit from someone up thread and add a depth gauge in the future.

I had spoken to Grady back when I was gonna looking to buy a 33 and this is the transom ratings they advised.

2001-2003 max is 500 HP
2004-2007 maxis 600 HP
2008 started with 700 HP
The new models are able to Hold 2/425 HP

Just remember back in those days they were only putting twin 200 or 225’s.
Then twin 250”s came out then right after the 300 HPDI’s.

Grady said they will not give you a higher rating on the transom.

It’s all about liability.

You can put u whatever you want on ur transom if u get it beefed up to hold the power/torque. The big issue is if u are gonna have insurance on the boat . Well recommended after spending all that money. So make sure ur will be able to get insurance and coverage if you want or need it. Because they will try and deny a claim if u exceed the power allowed by the manufacturer.

Good luck.