Repower to Suzuki 300’s need pros/cons

My Yamaha 250s could not come fully tilted out of the water due to going up right to the rod holder and fish box, how will the position of the steering change that?
Well tahts a different issue! If you can't raise the motors because the cowling hits the boat then there is nothing you can do. You might get lucky and zukes might be shorter.

They will have already tried raising them without the steering attached (Actually,it just effects the one with the steering cylinder) so they already know if the cowling hits befor the motor is max up.

They will set a cutout switch so things don't hit. Ask them whether/where things hit..

The steering is a problem where the cylinder hits the top of the transom before the motor has made it to max up

So its still important because if the steering hits first, you might get more out of the water by making it not hit.

If it is just the rod holder preventing dry motors, I know what my choice would be...
Love it... dropping in in two weeks


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2019 DF300. Runs great. Quiet. Fly by wire is so smooth! Make sure they mount those engines at the correct height. You should be turning between 6000 and 6300 trimmed up. I boat in Delaware and at 140 hours, my zinc anodes needed changing. Towboat guys down here saying they are getting 4000 hours out of the 300s.
She is home


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They are fine motors. Just ensure you can get good local service.
I have multiple great dealers near by, including the guys that did the install
That boat must fly with that power. Looks great. They are good engines. They stay really clean over the years which is a good sign. Enjoy!